Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них письмено. 1 Is the cockerel funny? Can it sing? 2 Cat a man ride a crocodile? 3 Can dogs swim? 4 Is the cat strong? 5 Is the rabbit cunning? 6 Can ducks see? 7 Is the pig big? 8 Can crocodiles fly?
Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них письмено. 1 Is the cockerel funny? Can it sing? 2 Cat a man ride a crocodile? 3 Can dogs swim? 4 Is the cat strong? 5 Is the rabbit cunning? 6 Can ducks see? 7 Is the pig big? 8 Can crocodiles fly?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 Yes it's pretty funny! Yeah, he can sing! 2 No, he can't. 3 Yes, they can sweam. 4 Yes, that cat is strong. 5 No it's not 6 Yes, ducks can see. 7 Pig isn't big 8 No they can't
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