Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple название номера Ancient Rome Most Romans 1) ............... (live) in very small houses. The wealthy ones 2) ............(own) villas. Family was very importanntin ancient Rome. ...

Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple название номера Ancient Rome Most Romans 1) ............... (live) in very small houses. The wealthy ones 2) ............(own) villas. Family was very importanntin ancient Rome. A usual family 3) ..........( consist) of a father, a mother, unmarried children and married sons with their families and slaves. Both boys and girls 4) ..........( start) their education at the age of 7. They 5) ....... (study) Maths, Grammar, History and Literature. Students 6) ............(stop) at noon for lunch. After that, they 7).............(return) to classes to finish their school day. Bask home, kids8)...........(play) with their pets and their toys. They 9)..............(not/play) video games, but they 10) ..............(enjoy) playing board and ball games. Ancient Romans 11)................(not/use) knives and forks to eat their food. They12) ........(have) spoons and they 13) ........(use) their fingers,too. All Romans 14) ................(watch)performances at open-air theatres. Пожайлуста помогите просто на работу очень рано вставать
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. lived  2. owned 3. consisted  4. consisted 5.studied 6.stoped 7. returned 8. played 9. did not play 10. enjoied  11. did not use 12. had 13. used 14. watched
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