Реферат на английском языке про профессию врача
Реферат на английском языке про профессию врача
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I want to tell you about a sacred and ancient profession. This is a physician. Each of us has asked the " healer " for help. In connection with the growth of human population, the natural selection is broken. All "old" viruses, which we used to know in childhood, have mutated.
Somebody says that chickenpox has at least two strains and etc. Stabilizing selection aims to reduce the population. And then it is the physician who enters the fight between life and death.
Mortality of the working population, except incompatible with life, depends on 80% of the quality of care. It is important that all doctors should be professionals, but, unfortunately, we find the unqualified somewhere. I hope that the perpetrators will be punished and the worthy will be rewarded. Whom shall we trust if not them?
So, who is the physician?The physician is a person willing to devote himself or herself to serving other people. He takes responsibility for human life. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane, and necessary trades on Earth.
What qualities should a man choosing a medical profession have?
The physician must love people. You can have a great knowledge, be ready for the most difficult situations, but you will not be a good physician without love and compassion because your task is to alleviate suffering and save patients from death.
The physician is called to serve and defend the health of every person and of all people. Conscience is the main controller.
The physician must be attentive and responsive. A word of the physician may frighten the patient. He will lose the faith in the recovery. But it can also heal and inspire faith in a better future.
The physician should always be calm and confident in any circumstances. His calm and confidence are transmitted to the patient and help the latter torecover.
The physician should be bold. He should not be afraid to care for seriously ill or regret that he could catch a deadly disease. The physician should be able to make a decision quickly. After all, much depends on these decisions.
The physician should also be selfless, to be always on duty, be ready to come to the patient at any time, even when he himself is sick.
The physician is sure to be inquisitive and hardworking. Medicine does not stay in one place. The physician should begin to widen his knowledge, to apply modern methods of treatment.
And what is the most important, the physician should equally treat all patients.
The doctor should be compassionate.
Let’s be thankful to them! Let's try to compromise because we are all humans!
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