Решите пожалуйста упражнение 7)))))

Решите пожалуйста упражнение 7)))))
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My son was playing soccer in the park with his dad and he fell over and pulled a muscle in his leg. My wife was coughing all night so I phoned the medical helpline. They told me to make an appointment with her GP. Kira was running a high temperature when the ampulance services brought her in. My headaches weren't stoping immediately. The tablets I took weren't strong enough.  The patient was presenting to Er at 11 p.m. He suffered from serious vomiting. Can you tell me what were you doing when your asthma attack started? My father had difficulties walking and he were tripping and fell in the street. I weren't thinking and I gave him the wrong dose of aspirin. He's only three. What should I do? I'm really woried. 
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