Сделайте все задания. Даю много)

Сделайте все задания. Даю много)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
№1 1-a 2-b 3-c 4-a 5-c 6-b 7-a 8-b №2 1) assigments 2) take 3) go 4)motivates 5)role models 6)sum up 7) more 8)however 9)moreover 10)replace №3 1) forward to 2) for 3)through 4)after 5)at 6)up 7)for 8)up 9) forward to 10) though 11)after 12)up #4 1) am seeing 2) Are you doing 3) am going; does the film start 4) is having; will you go 5) opens; finishes; will go 6) will come; does she arrive 7)does the train leave 8) will give;want 9) will get 10) will enjoy #5 1) comes; will go 2) doesnt come; will watch 3) finish; will go 4) will buy; gives 5) come; will show 6) will return;ask 7) will wait;comes 8) will start; rises 9) finish; will present
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