Скажите как читается на русском дам 45 баллов After his expulsion from Harvard University, Newell spent thirteen years at Microsoft, becoming ultimately a millionaire. Newell calls himself "the producer of the first three rele...

Скажите как читается на русском дам 45 баллов After his expulsion from Harvard University, Newell spent thirteen years at Microsoft, becoming ultimately a millionaire. Newell calls himself "the producer of the first three releases of Windows". Inspired by the work of Michael Abrash, who previously left Microsoft to create computer games Quake id Software, Newell with another Microsoft employee — Mike Harrington, left Microsoft and set up a Studio Valve in 1996. Newell, along with Harrington used his personal capital to Finance Valve and the subsequent development of the game Half-Life. For these purposes was purchased the source code of the engine, Quake engine, which was later extensively revised. In 1998, he published a series of games of Half-Life, which became the basis for such popular games and modifications like Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic. Shortly after the release of Half-Life, the company began development of the second part of the game. Harrington left the company in 2000, after Newell bought out his share. Newell suffered from Fuchs dystrophy, a congenital disease that destroys the cornea of the eye, and at some point his eyes fell to a critical level, but two surgeries cornea transplant gave him back his sight. "I just got to see you again, I began to see better than ever. If I were in a fairy tale. Then it dawned on me how quickly the future is coming," recalls Newell.
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Valve in 1996. ˈафтэ хиз иксˈпалшэн фром ˈхавэд ˌюниˈвёсити, Newell спент ˈсёˈтин йиэз эт ˈмайкрэсофт, биˈкамин ˈалтимитли э ˌмильэˈнеэ. Newell колз химˈселф "зэ прэˈдьюсэр ов зэ фёст сри риˈлисиз ов ˈуиндоуз". инˈспайэд бай зэ уёк ов ˈмайкэл Abrash, ху ˈпривьэсли лефт ˈмайкрэсофт ту криˈейт кэмˈпьютэ геймз куэйк id ˈсофтуээ, Newell уиз эˈназэ ˈмайкрэсофт ˌемплойˈи — майк Harrington, лефт ˈмайкрэсофт энд сет ап э ˈстьюдиоу вэлв ин 1996. . Newell, эˈлон уиз Harrington юзд хиз ˈпёснл ˈкэпитл ту файˈнэнс вэлв энд зэ ˈсабсикуэнт диˈвелэпмэнт ов зэ гейм хаф-лайф. фо зиз ˈпёпэсиз уоз ˈпёчэст зэ сос коуд ов зи ˈенджин, куэйк ˈенджин, уич уоз ˈлейтэр иксˈтенсивли риˈвайзд. ин 1998, хи ˈпаблишт э ˈсиэриз ов геймз ов хаф-лайф, уич биˈкейм зэ ˈбейсис фо сач ˈпопьюлэ геймз энд ˌмодифиˈкейшэнз лайк ˈкaунтэ-страйк энд тим ˈфотрис ˈклэсик. ˈшотли ˈафтэ зэ риˈлис ов хаф-лайф, зэ ˈкампэни биˈгэн диˈвелэпмэнт ов зэ ˈсекэнд пат ов зэ гейм. Harrington лефт зэ ˈкампэни ин 2000, ˈафтэ Newell бот aут хиз шеэ. Newell ˈсафэд фром Fuchs ˈдистрэфи, э кэнˈдженитл диˈзиз зэт дисˈтройз зэ ˈкониэ ов зи ай, энд эт сам пойнт хиз айз фел ту э ˈкритикэл ˈлевл, бат ту ˈсёджэриз ˈкониэ трэнсˈплант гейв хим бэк хиз сайт. "ай джаст гот ту си ю эˈген, ай биˈгэн ту си ˈбетэ зэн ˈевэ. иф ай уёр ин э ˈфеэри тейл. зен ит донд он ми хaу ˈкуикли зэ ˈфьючэр из ˈкамин," риˈколз Newell.
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