Сочинение на английском языке , на тему "Украинская кухня"

Сочинение на английском языке , на тему "Украинская кухня"
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Ukrainian Cuisine Украинская кухня Among the first impressions for all the visitors who come to Ukraine is its national food. Ukrainian cuisine is diverse and unique. It has a rich history and is very popular in Slavic countries. There are a lot of tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine but the most famous one is perhaps the borscht. It is a vegetable soup, made of beets, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. They also add garlic, onion, dill and meat. There are many varieties of this dish. Every housewife in Ukraine has her own recipe of borscht. Next on the list is the vinegret salad – salad of beetroot with sunflower oil and vinegar. People also add cooked and chopped potatoes, sauerkraut or pickles, onions, herbs and carrots. Breads and wheat products are also important for Ukrainians. For example, they cook traditional wedding bread called “Korovai”, which is a symbol of national hospitality. Easter cake is known as “Paska”. The recipe of paska varies from place to place, but it usually includes milk, butter, eggs, sugar and raisins. Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar – compote, made of dried apples and pears. Those, who like fish, would appreciate ukha. It’s a clear soup, made from various types of fish, for example, bream, catfish or ruff. For the main course Ukrainian guests especially like varenyky or pirohi. They are small pastries or dumplings, which can be stuffed with mashed potatoes, cheese, cherries or strawberries. Of course, everyone knows about Ukrainian salo. Nobody leaves Ukraine not having tried one. К первым впечатлениям всех посетителей, приезжающих в Украину, является ее национальная кухня. Украинская кухня разнообразна и уникальна. Она имеет богатую историю и является очень популярной в славянских странах. В украинской кухне есть много вкусных блюд, но, пожалуй, самым известным является борщ. Это овощной суп, сделанный из свеклы, капусты, помидоров, моркови и картофеля. Туда также добавляют чеснок, лук, укроп и мясо. Разновидностей этого блюда немало. У каждой домохозяйки в Украине свой рецепт борща. Следующим в списке идет салат винегрет – салат из свеклы с подсолнечным маслом и уксусом. Люди также добавляют туда варенный и нарезанный картофель, квашеную капусту или соленые огурцы, лук, зелень и морковь. Хлеб и продукты из пшеницы также важны для украинцев. Например, они готовят традиционный свадебный хлеб под названием "Коровай", который является символом национального гостеприимства. Пасхальный кулич известен как "Паска". Рецепт паски варьируется в зависимости от местности, но, как правило, включает в себя молоко, масло, яйца, сахар и изюм. Традиционный украинский напиток узвар – компот из сушеных яблок и груш. Любителям рыбы понравится уха. Это бульон из различных видов рыбы, например, леща, сома или ерша. На второе украинским гостям особенно нравятся вареники либо пироги. Они маленькие пирожки или пельмени, нафаршированные картофельным пюре, сыром, вишней или земляникой. Конечно, всем известно об украинском сале. Никто не уезжает из Украины, не попробовав его.
Ukrainian CuisineУкраинская кухняAmong the first impressions for all the visitors who come to Ukraine is its national food. Ukrainian cuisine is diverse and unique. It has a rich history and is very popular in Slavic countries. There are a lot of tasty dishes in Ukrainian cuisine but the most famous one is perhaps the borscht. It is a vegetable soup, made of beets, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. They also add garlic, onion, dill and meat. There are many varieties of this dish. Every housewife in Ukraine has her own recipe of borscht. Next on the list is the vinegret salad – salad of beetroot with sunflower oil and vinegar. People also add cooked and chopped potatoes, sauerkraut or pickles, onions, herbs and carrots. Breads and wheat products are also important for Ukrainians. For example, they cook traditional wedding bread called “Korovai”, which is a symbol of national hospitality. Easter cake is known as “Paska”. The recipe of paska varies from place to place, but it usually includes milk, butter, eggs, sugar and raisins. Traditional Ukrainian drink is uzvar – compote, made of dried apples and pears. Those, who like fish, would appreciate ukha. It’s a clear soup, made from various types of fish, for example, bream, catfish or ruff. For the main course Ukrainian guests especially like varenyky or pirohi. They are small pastries or dumplings, which can be stuffed with mashed potatoes, cheese, cherries or strawberries. Of course, everyone knows about Ukrainian salo. Nobody leaves Ukraine not having tried one
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