Speak about Native Americans. Before Europeans arrived: Lived in tribes grew plants, hunted animals, fished in their waters lived in wooden houses or wigwams thought that different spirits could help them kept their traditions ...
Speak about Native Americans.
Before Europeans arrived:
Lived in tribes
grew plants, hunted animals, fished in their waters
lived in wooden houses or wigwams
thought that different spirits could help them
kept their traditions and culture
made songs and poems
were mostly peaceful people
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Говорят о коренных американцев.До прихода европейцев:Жили в племенахвыросшие растения, животные охотились, ловили рыбу в своих водахжили в деревянных домах или вигвамыдумал, что различные духи могли бы им помочьсохранили свои традиции и культурусделанные песни и стихибыли в основном мирные люди
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