Translate the sentences from Russian into English /Past Simple Continuous / 1.В прошлом году в это время мы путешествовали по Италии. 2.Они ремонтировали мою машину целый месяц. 3.Я смотрел футбольный матч, когда ты позвонил. ...

Translate the sentences from Russian into English /Past Simple & Continuous / 1.В прошлом году в это время мы путешествовали по Италии. 2.Они ремонтировали мою машину целый месяц. 3.Я смотрел футбольный матч, когда ты позвонил. 4.Мы как раз переходили улицу, когда грузовик поехал на красный свет (go through the red light). 5.Он расплачивался с таксистом (to pay off the taxi), когда вдруг увидел Джейн на другой стороне улицы. Она покупала в киоске газету. 6.Мы стояли в очередь за билетами, когда вдруг пошёл дождь. 7.Что на ней было в тот вечер (to wear)? - Она была одета в чёрное вечернее платье. 8.Когда я позвонил, твоя жена сказала, что ты работаешь в гараже. 9.Почему вы смеялись, когда он вам что-то рассказывал? 10.Мы писали диктант, когда в класс зашел директор с полицейским.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Last year at this time we were travelling through Italy. 2. They repaired my car for a month. 3. I was watching a football game when you called. 4. We were just crossing the street when a truck drove through the red light. 5. He was paying off the taxi driver, when he saw Jane on the other side of the street. She was buying a newspaper at a kiosk. 6. We were standing in line for tickets when it suddenly started to rain. 7. What was she wearing that evening? - She was wearing a black evening dress. 8. When I called, your wife said you were working in the garage. 9. Why did you laugh when he was telling you something? 10. We were writing a dictation when the headmaster and a policeman came into the classroom.
1. Last year we travelled to Italy at this time. 2. They were repairing my car for a month. 3. I was watching a football match, when you called. 4. We were crossing the street, when a truck drove through the red light. 5. He was paying off the taxi, when, suddenly, he saw Jane on the other side of the street. She was buying a newspaper at a kiosk. 6. We were standing in the line for tickets, when it suddenly started raining. 7. What she was wearing that evening? - She was wearing a black evening dress. 8. When I called, your wife said you were working in the garage. 9. Why did you were laughing when he was telling something? 10. We were writing a dictation, when the headmaster and a policeman came into the classroom.
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