Упражнение 21. Выбери правильный ответ. • He … home at a quarter past nine yesterday. A leaves B left C leave • Nike … this interesting book tomorrow. A buy B bought C will buy • My little sister … swim last summer...

Упражнение 21. Выбери правильный ответ. • He … home at a quarter past nine yesterday. A leaves B left C leave • Nike … this interesting book tomorrow. A buy B bought C will buy • My little sister … swim last summer. A didn’t B won’t C will not • Last August my father and I … abroad. A went B go C will go • How long … your party last tomorrow? A did B does C will
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
• He … home at a quarter past nine yesterday. B left • Nike … this interesting book tomorrow. C will buy • My little sister … swim last summer. A didn’t • Last August my father and I … abroad. A went • How long … your party last tomorrow?  C will
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