В ответ достаточно вписат слоова (+ глагол to be ) в правильной форме!    Choose between Indefinite Passive and Past Continuous Passive.   1.Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Italy last year. 2. The helicopter (construc...

В ответ достаточно вписат слоова (+ глагол to be ) в правильной форме!    Choose between Indefinite Passive and Past Continuous Passive.   1.Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Italy last year. 2. The helicopter (construct) in Russia. 3. He (throw) out of class for cheating yesterday. 4. The pop singers arrived at the airport and (welcome) by thousands of fans. Flowers (throw) at them all the way to the exit. 5. The exposition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery. 6. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt (clean). 7. The petrol tank (fill) last week. 8. The policeman noticed that the suitcase (carry) by the porter in a most strange way. 9. The naughty boy (teach) a very good lesson by his friends. 10. When I came to the skating-rink he (teach) to skate by his elder brother. 11. His cousins (fine) for exceeding speed limit yesterday. 12. I drove up to the shop just as it (close), but the owner was kind enough to let me in. 13. They (award) the highest prize. 14. She watched television while dinner (prepare). 15. When I came into the kitchen I smelt something delicious. My favourite cookies (bake) in the oven. 16. The windows look dirty though they (clean) yesterday. 17. Steve and Sue couldn’t play football on the lawn as it (mow). 18. I (ask) a lot of questions about my private life. 19. Mr Day couldn’t wear his favorite trousers as they (clean). 20. The computer program was very easy. It (learn) in a couple of hours.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. were destroyed 2. is constructed 3. was thrown 4. were welcomed, were been thrown 5. was opened 6. were not clean 7. was filled 8. was been carried 9. had been taught 10. was been taught 11. was fined 12.was been closed 13. were awarded 14. was been prepared 15. were been baked 16. were cleaned 17. was mowed 18. was asked 19. were not clean 20. was learnt
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