Впиши in,at или on. 1 Ann's birthday ... May 5th. 2 We have breakfast ... the morning. 3 We have lunch ... noon. 4 We have dinner ... the evening. 5 He usually goes to the park ... Sunday afternoon. 6 They usually play tennis ....

Впиши in,at или on. 1 Ann's birthday ... May 5th. 2 We have breakfast ... the morning. 3 We have lunch ... noon. 4 We have dinner ... the evening. 5 He usually goes to the park ... Sunday afternoon. 6 They usually play tennis ... Saturday. 7 We usually go swimming ... the summer. 8 We usually have breakfast ... 8 o'clock ... the morning. 9 It is cold ... the winter. 10 It is rainy ... the autumn. 11 Jim doesn't work ... the weekend.
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1. On 2. In 3. At 4.on 5.on 6.on 7.in 8.at , in 9.in 10. In 11 . On
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