Вставь предлоги.Выбирай из up,on,in,about,for,at,of. 1.When my granny was young she dreamt ( ) a teaching career. 2.I like to stay ( ) my cousins:we play,talk and watch TW together. 3.I think Mary lives ( ) 15 High Street. 4...

Вставь предлоги.Выбирай из up,on,in,about,for,at,of. 1.When my granny was young she dreamt ( ) a teaching career. 2.I like to stay ( ) my cousins:we play,talk and watch TW together. 3.I think Mary lives ( ) 15 High Street. 4.John says he wants to become a journalist when he grows ( ) 5.The little town of Sergie
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2.at 3.in 4.about 5.on 1.up
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