. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (with, from, of, to, on, in, at). ⦁ … the basis of these agreements the firm signs contracts. ⦁ Our country has trade relations … different foreign firms. ⦁ It is a country … stable economy. ⦁ ...

. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (with, from, of, to, on, in, at). ⦁ … the basis of these agreements the firm signs contracts. ⦁ Our country has trade relations … different foreign firms. ⦁ It is a country … stable economy. ⦁ Mr. Black is … London. ⦁ These telexes are … the desk. ⦁ This contact is developing … year … year.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
On the basis of these agreements the firm signs contracts. Our country has trade relations with different foreign firms It is a country of  stable economy Mr. Black is from (in) London These telexes are on the desk This contact is developing from year to year
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