Вставьте слова правильно: Chege ................(be) fourteen years old. He ..........(live) in a small village in Kenya. He ..........(have) three ypunger sisters. Every weekday, Chege ...............(get up) early, at 4:30 i...

Вставьте слова правильно: Chege ................(be) fourteen years old. He ..........(live) in a small village in Kenya. He ..........(have) three ypunger sisters. Every weekday, Chege ...............(get up) early, at 4:30 in the morning. He ........(cook) breakfast for his family and they ..........(eat) together.At 6:00, Chege .........(leave) his house for school. Chege ................(walk) seven kilometres tp the bus stop. He ...........(catch) the school bus at 7:30. Chege .............(get) to school at 9:30. At school, Chege ..............(study) English,French,Maths and Science. He ...............(share)his class books with three other students. School ..........(finish) at 4:00. Afterwards, Chege and his friends .........(play) football. At 5:00,Chege ......(say) goodbye to his friends and ......(take) the bus back to this village. He .............(return) home at 8:30. There" s just time to have dinner and do homework,before he ..........(go) to bed. It"s a very long day for Chege but he ..........(like) going to school.
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is lives has get ups cooks eat leaves walks catches gets stydies shares finishes play says takes returns goes likes
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