Выберите соответствующие по смыслу местоимения для следующих предложений. 1. Are there … traces of crime? a) some b) any c) no d) something 2. There were … people at the crime scene. a) nothing b) nobody c) no 3. Are t...

Выберите соответствующие по смыслу местоимения для следующих предложений. 1. Are there … traces of crime? a) some b) any c) no d) something 2. There were … people at the crime scene. a) nothing b) nobody c) no 3. Are there … criminals in this building? a) any b) no c) somebody 4. There are … books on crime prevention in our library. a) some b) somebody c) nothing
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1d 2b 3a 4a вроде так , если не ошибаюсь
1. Are there … traces of crime? b) any 2. There were … people at the crime scene. c) no3. Are there … criminals in this building?a) any4. There are … books on crime prevention in our library.a) some 
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