Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами. 1. The team is well-prepared. They ... take part in the coming championship. (will be able, can,could) 2. John had hurt his leg and ...walk. (can ’t,...

Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами. 1. The team is well-prepared. They ... take part in the coming championship. (will be able, can,could) 2. John had hurt his leg and ...walk. (can ’t, Wasn’t be ablg mustn’t) 3. I had some free time yesterday so I ... go skiing. (can, could, may) 4. .... I participate in the school skiing race?— I am afraid you won’t be allowed because of your injury. (can, must, may) 5. All men aged between 18 and 40 in Russia... take up military and physical training. (needn’t, can, must) 6. You... sit there in your wet clothes, you’ll catch cold if you do. (can’t, mustn’t, must) 7. I couldn’t practice any more. It was getting late and I. .. to go. (am, was, can) 8. You are losing your physical condition, you ...exercise daily. (can, should, are) 9. Why do I always. ...to buy souvenirs for the opponent team? (have, can, must) 10. Physical exercises ... make your life more active. (can, must, may)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Could 2.was not able to 3.could 4.can 5. Must, если имеется ввиду , что не нужна подготовки , то needn't 6.must not 7. Was 8should 9. Have 10.may
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