Английский язык

Заполните пропуски подходящими словами. Письменно переведите предложения, в которых были пропуски. independently, mind, combination, choice, learning, English, larger, opposite Style of education In the USA, you have quite possibly the widest (1) __________________ of subjects available in the world, and almost infinite flexibility on how you put together your studies. It’s also relatively easy to change your (2) _______________, and switch classes, courses or even institutions. Many international students find it easier to start their American studies at a smaller college, and then transfer to a (3) _____________ University for the last two years of their program. This gives you time to adapt to life in the US, improve your (4) _______________, and learn the basic elements of your study in a supportive environment. In the UK, you are expected to be more independent when it comes to (5) ______________. In the US it is compulsory to go to all your classes and read every inch of the set texts, but not much outside of this. In the UK it’s almost the complete (6) _____________. Undergraduates are pointed in the right direction by their professors, but then left to their own devices to find the right resources and produce their own analysis. Australia offers a (7) ____________ of these two extremes, with lectures and smaller tutorials, group work and individual exams and essays. In Australia you are expected to think creatively and (8) _____________________.
ответьте на вопросы по тексту Did you know that the largest animal that ever lived on Earth? This is a blue whale. People do not know about these animals. Here are some interesting facts about them. A blue whale can be 30 metres long. It's like two buses. The blue whale weighs 200,000 pounds. (15 buses or 8 aircraft). Whale s tongue weighs like an elephant. 100 people can sit on such a tougue;. Overall has a very loud voice, louder than the plane. So, blue whales looking to talk to each other at a distance of 1500 kilometers! A blue whale eats 4000 kg of plankton which is its favorite food. Everyone knows that the blue whale can reach three-storey building. The blue whale can swim as fast as 48 kilometers per hour! A blue whale baby weighs 3,000 kulos and a length of 8 meters. When the child grows up, he drinks 400 litres of its mother's milk and gets 100 pounds heavier and 4 cm longer every day. The blue whale can live for 90 years. Blue whale looking dive to 500 meters and stay there for 20 minutes Вопросы 1) A blue whale eats 4,000 kilograms of plankton. 2) A blue whale s tongue weighs as much as a kangaroo. 3)Blue whales cfn talk to each other across a distance of 30,000 kilometres. 4) A blue whale weighs as much as 8 buses and 15 planes. 5) One hundred people cfn sit a blue whale s tongue. 6) A blue whale cfn swim as fast as 60 kilometres per hour. 7) A blue whale cfn be 30 metres long. 8) Blue whales live lonher than 90 years. 9) When a blue whale baby grows it drinks 100 litres of its mother s milk every. 10) A blue whele cfn stay under the water for 20 minutes. 110 A blue whale baby weighs 3 tons