Английский язык

Help me please!!!!!!! Task Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of the Subjunctive Mood. 1. If anyone (to ask) me what his specific gift was, I (not to know) how to answer. 2. He (to find) a good job if he (to try) hard enough. 3. You (to be attacked) by the dog if you (to move). 4. I (to go) away unless you want me to stay. 5. Someone may get into the house if he (to forget) to lock the door. 6. I (not to mind) if he (to say) my pictures were bad, but he said nothing. 7. After all, if he (to have) any talent I (to be) the first to encourage him. 8. If you (to let) me have his way before there (to be) no cause for our trouble tonight. 9. If I (to be) 27 again I suppose I (to be) as big a fool as I was then. 10. But he wished that there (to be) some way in which he could help the young lawyer. 11. “I wish I (not to cry) so much”, said Alice trying to find her way out. 12. And there I wish I (can) tell you half of the things Alice used to say. 13. I wish I (to know) what to do now. 14. I wish I (to know) it was your birthday. I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers. 15. Suddenly the voice was clear and strong as if Constance (to be) in another room of the hotel. 16. Fred wasn’t shy, and he talked to Gracie’s parents as though he (to know) them all his life. 17. He felt as if he (to catch) a cold. 18. He looked as if he (to step) from the pages of “Pickwick Papers”. 19. Sharon was frowning as if she (to be puzzled). 20. He looked as if he (not to sleep) much. 21. I didn’t know about the fact otherwise I (to give) you the extra day. 22. How wonderful it (to be) to take the sadness out of those big and lovely eyes!
Help me please!!!!!!! Task. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of the Subjunctive Mood. 1 I wouldn’t have believed it if I (not to see) it with my own eyes. 2. If I (to make) coffee, you (to cut) the cake? 3. Please, don’t sign any contracts unless they (to be checked) by me. 4. He must be more careful, unless he (to want) trouble! 5. What you (to do) if you (to fail) your exam? 6. “If it (to be) an accident”, said Sir Henry gently, “I do not think Mrs. Brown (to tell) us this story now”. 7. I (not to go) if you (not to say) you’d come with me. 8. How it (to be) if I (to drop) around this evening? 9. If only I (to feel) that somebody wanted me, that I was of use to somebody, I (to become) a different person. 10. But for the toothache I (to enjoy) the concert. 11. I wish I (to be) as sure as you. 12. I wished I (to have) enough confidence so that I could transfer some to her. But I didn’t. 13. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the last night or two. 14. It’s a pity the weather (to be) so bad, otherwise we (spend) the whole day out in the country. 15. She always smelled as if she just (to come) from a long walk in a forest. 16. She clutched the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her. 17. He looked as if he (not to have) a meal for a week, and I hadn’t the heart to refuse him. 18. There was no piano because it (to take) much room. 19. I don’t know what we (to do) but for Nurse Martha. 20. I (to like) to say “no” but it (not to be) true. 21. But for the last remark she (not to start) a bargain. 22. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (to be) here last week.