Английский язык

Ребят, помогите решить Task 1. Read questions 1 – 10 and choose the review (A – D) where you can find the answers to these questions. For questions 1 – 10, write your answer in the answer sheet. Which review says that despite its high price, the book is definitely worth purchasing? 1) ___________ suggests that some of the information may not be up-to-date? 2) ___________ describes an aspect of the book which makes it visually very appealing? 3) ___________ mentions the way in which readers can make up for a missing element in the book? 4) ___________ points out that the book fails to consider a significant group of possible readers? 5) ___________ highlights the book’s tendency to discuss certain topics at length? 6)____________ explains the possible reason for one of the ways the writing is presented? 7) ___________ discusses the effect the enthusiastic writing style is likely to have on the reader? 8) ___________ mentions the inclusion of a useful feature other guides don’t have? 9) ___________ says the book is useful for research in advance of travelling? 10) __________ (Total 20 marks) Reviews: Top travel guides A. On the Edge of Adventure Perfect for use on the spot by the gap-year traveller in Africa who wants to know where to eat, sleep and play on a budget, On the Edge of Adventure is full to the brim of handy travellers’ tips and knowledge, all presented in a highly-accessible format. Although the book lacks the glossy photographs of its counterparts, the reader gets a real flavor of the countries included, with highly-readable descriptive passages and snippets of information about the history and politics of different regions, as well as the cultural traditions and a mini phrasebook of several languages – something often missing in books of this type. The only drawback is its heavy reliance on the anecdotes of those who’ve walked the streets and beaches mentioned in the guide – are the cafes The Fifth English Language Contest for School Children, 2016 – 2017 Form: 10 - 11 and hostels they mention still in business now? And the print’s tiny – but this is no doubt in order to keep costs down for the money-conscious traveller. B. Hicksy’s Guide to Europe This lightweight volume is ideal for sticking in the top of your rucksack and heading off into the unknown. Despite its slim size, Hicksy’s Guide to Europe is a surprisingly comprehensive guide to the top tourist destinations of Europe. One glaring fault – to my mind, at least – is that it caters only for the mid-price range and upwards in terms of restaurant and accommodation options, leaving those counting their pennies to seek out cheaper alternatives themselves. Having said this, the information included is clearly current, making it more likely to be accurate than some other guides of its type, and is clearly laid-out with sections on food and drink, hotels, sights and customs. Hicksy’s Guide is far from cheap, but with such a fascinating list of places and sights, you won’t find much better than this on the travel guide market. C. Tales from the Americas This weighty guide to North and South America is not exactly portable, but is a brilliant reference for those planning a trip to the Americas. Beautifully-printed on thick paper and with colouful spreads featuring stunning images of local life, Tales from the Americas is a volume more likely to find a permanent place on your bookshelf than a temporary one in your suitcase, but is, nevertheless, a great starting point from which to plan a trip. Its best feature is its list of current, useful local websites, detailing a wide range of accommodation, sights and services in every village, town and city the guide includes. At times, perhaps, it goes into a bit too much detail about the history and politics of the places mentioned, rather than focusing on the more light-hearted reasons for visiting them, but your money certainly won’t be wasted. D. Down Under Down Under is a great little book for first-timers to Australia and New Zealand, and has everything the day-tripper needs to know for brief stop-off visits on a longer tour of Australia. Although there aren’t many pictures of famous sights – the photographers have homed in on interesting aspects of daily life instead – you do get a sense of the contributors’ excitement for the places they write about, passing their passion onto the reader, however casual. There are some highly useful pull-out maps of the big cities and handy hints on getting around on a limited amount of money. The only thing it lacks is prices! Whether this was an oversight, or an intentional desire to help the book stand the test of time isn’t clear, but the descriptions of accommodation and eating places give readers at least an idea of whether they’re high-end or budget.