Английский язык

1. These essay ____ last year. * 1 балл a. were published b. be published c. was being published d. was published 2. I’m looking for a book ___ Ukrainian cuisine. * 1 балл a. on b. in c. of d. at 3. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to cause any inconveniences. * 1 балл a. terribly b. terriber c. terrible d. the most terrible 4. The more expensive the diamond ____ quality it has. * 1 балл a. best b. the better c. the best d. better 5. That ___ be true! * 1 балл a. can’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. oughtn’t to 6. The tasks get ___ complicated. * 1 балл a. more and more b. most and most c. most and more d. more and more 7. Forgive ___ so much of your time. * 1 балл a. my taking up b. taking up c. me take up d. being taken up 8. Mother told Max ____ to bed * 1 балл a. went b. to go c. would go d. had gone 9. Their quarrelling was heard ____ the building. * 1 балл a. among b. with c. all over d. onto 10.But for her parents she ____ this film. * 1 балл a. had watched b. would have watched c. would watch d. watched 11. I am sorry ____ your pencil. * 1 балл a. to be breaking b. to break c. to have broken d. to have been broken 12. _____ each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about. * 1 балл a. not seeing b. not seen c. not having seen d. not being seen 13. The instructions are clear, you ___ use the camera underwater. * 1 балл a. shouldn’t b. don’t have to c. must not d. haven’t to 14. Please, remember ____ the door when you go out. * 1 балл a. closing b. having closed c. your closing d. to close 15.____ I want to say that everything I did was to save you. * 1 балл a. latter b. lastly c. the lastly d. last 16. We asked Thomas where ___ * 1 балл a. did he live b. he lives c. he lived d. had he lived 17. If he ___ his medical studies, he would be a doctor now. * 0 баллов a. have finished b. had finished c. finished d. finish 18. Just as ______ Wall Street in ____ New York is in ______ centre of commerce and finance so _____ City of London is ______ centre for money matters. * 1 балл a. the, -, -, -, - b. -, - , the, the, the c. the, -, a, the, the d. -, -, an, -, the 19. He is said ____ all his money to his only child. * 1 балл a. to have been left b. to leave c. to left d. to have left 20. _____ our meal, we went out. * 1 балл a. finished b. finishing c. having finished d. having been finished 21. These towels ____ by the maid tomorrow. * 1 балл a. will wash b. will be washing c. will be washed d. will being washed 22. These are very long ____. * 1 балл a. storys b. stories c. storyes d. storis 23. Information ____ available at the front desk. * 1 балл a. is b. are c. has d. have 24. ____ Second World War ended in 1945 * 1 балл a. – b. an c. the d. a 25. Some plants in this store require very little care, but this one needs much more sunlight than ___. * 1 балл a. the others b. the others ones c. the others one d. other’s ones 26. It became quite clear that something ____ wrong * 1 балл a. has gone b. went c. goes d. go 27. I see that he has lost ____ pencil, perhaps you can lend him ____ ? * 1 балл a. his, your b. her, you c. his, yours d. hers, your 28.After he ___ the poem he’ll learn it by heart. * 1 балл a. has read b. had read c. has been reading d. read 29. We shall start at six o’clock if it ____ raining by that time. * 1 балл a. will have stopped b. has stopped c. stops d. will stop 30. Hardly ____ raining when a rainbow appeared in the sky. * 1 балл a. did it stop b. had stopped c. has it stopped d. had it been stopping 31. My brother ____ so much since our last meeting that I hardly recognized him. * 1 балл a. changed b. was changed c. had changed d. has been changed 32. By next august I _____ my exams and I’ll be ready for a holiday. * 1 балл a. shall finish b. shall be finishing c. shall finish d. shall have finished 33. All ____ special tasks to perform. * 1 балл a. has b. have c. is d. are 34. The secretary ___ the report two days ago. * 1 балл a. typed b. was typing c. has typed d. types 35. He read a newspaper and then ____ to bed. * 1 балл a. went b. were going c. will go d. goes 36. They didn’t have to go there by plane, ____ they? * 1 балл a. did they b. weren’t c. didn’t d. did 37. I saw him yesterday. I thought he _____ England last year. * 1 балл a. left b. had left c. is leaving d. will leave 38. Sunday was ____ day of the year. * 1 балл a. the cold b. colder c. cold d. the coldest 39. I can’t hear you. Can you speak ____? * 1 балл a. louder b. loud c. loudest d. much louder 40. The tourists ____ a bus this morning. * 1 балл a. take b. took c. have taken d. taking
Замените местоимения many и much в отрицательных предложениях соответственно на местоимения few, a few или little, a little в утвердительных предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык: e.g. / don't have many English books. - I have few English books. I have a few English books. 1. My brother doesn't have many friends. 2. Usually my mother doesn't ask me many questions. 3. My sister doesn't play these computer games many times. 4. We don't-have many programmers at the office. 5. Our parents don't buy many newspapers every day. 6. Many people don't like to listen to bad news. 7. This lawyer doesn't have much work. 8. Our chief is busy. He doesn't have much time today. 9. Tfiese people don't have much money. 10. This woman doesn't buy much coffee. 11.1 don't have much sugar in my tea. 6.4 Переведите данные предложения, используя неопределенные местоимения few, a few или little, a little: 1: У этого мальчика мало (фотографий. 2. У моего коллеги мало друзей. 3. У этого программиста мало дискет. 4. У этих людей мало книг. 5. У этих детей мало игр. 6. У меня сегодня мало времени. 7. У этих менеджеров мало работы. 8. У их родителей мало денег. 9. Его жена всегда готовит мало мяса. 10. Почему она покупает мало воды? 11. Почему он читает мало газет? 12. Каждый день наша секретврша посылает несколько факсоа в Англию. 13. Каждую неделю этот программист находит несколько новых файлов в Интернете. 14. Каждый месяц этот ребенок остается несколько раз один дома. 15. Каждый вечер эта дееушка говорит с несколькими друзьями по телефону. 16. Этот учитель всегда отвечает на несколько вопросов после урока. 17. У меня есть немного времени. Я собираюсь посмотреть телевизор. 18. Когда у этой девушки есть немного денег, она всегда покупает новые книги. 19. Этот программист любит кофе. У него всегда есть немного кофе в офисе. 20. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, немного воды!