Английский язык

Student Card 2 Give a talk about Primary schools in England. Remember to speak about: • school days • infant schools • school age • timetables, subjects • uniform • junior school №2 Primary Schools in England Part 2 English children have classes five days a week. They have no classes on Saturday and Sunday. Classes are usually over at about four o'clock andthen the pupils go home. Saturdays and Sundays are their days off. Schools in England have names, not numbers -Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School. Sometimesschools get names after some famous orimportant people - Saint Mary's School. At the age of four or five, primary school children go to infant schools or infant classes where they spend three years till they are seven. In infant schools they spend much time outdoors. They sing songs, act and play a lot. Infant pupils learn how to use money in their classroom shop. They draw pictures in pencil and colour them. They learn how to get on with other children. They begin to learn how to read, count and write a little too. When children are seven, they go to juniorschools, where they spend four years till they areeleven. So in England children spend seven years in primary school. When pupils are eleven or alittle older, primary school is over. Junior schools are really schools. Pupils sit in rows and follow are regular timetable. In Junior schools Swimming, PEand Religion are in the timetable too. Children spend a lot of time outdoors too. They visit different museums. Sometimes their teachers take them to London and other big cities. In many primary schools children wear uniforms, but insome primary schools they don't.