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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА С АНГЛИЙСКИМ use the topical vocabulary and say what we call people who: are not willing to accept or respect different opinions or people 2) behave in a shocking way and can even insult people in front of their friends 3) are confident and relaxed because they are sure of their abilities 4) lack grace in movement or behaviour 5) show strong emotions and feelings and use physical force that can cause damage, injury or death 6) are very rude and bold, impudent 7) often change their opinion and behaviour and are not serious or reliable 8) are untidy or dirty 9) are not able to put up with delay or opposition calmly and without anger 10) feel that they can do things well and that people respect them 11) have a strong desire to succeed at something 12) are not accepted by a certain group or community 13) believe that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest. _________________________________________________________________ ТЕКСТ ВОТ: dults often see the age between 13 and 19 as “difficult”. It doesn’t gen As a result teenagers often: Can’t get along with adults or their peers Feel self-conscious about their looks Experiment with their appearances Loudly protest against being treat like children Have low or high self-esteem Develop complex Modern life exposes young people to certain dangers and hardships. Some teens may: Become fans of a sports team or a pop singer and dedicate their lives to this passion Get bored or depressed and think that nothing interesting can happen to them Give up too easily when they feel that too much pressure is put on them Ruin their health at a young age Young people may face problems that need to be solved. To this and they have to learn: To compromise or to meet people halfway To keep fit by doing more exercise and having a healthy diet. Be sensible, not to shock people with their appearance and behavior. Not to make an idol of anyone. To remember that heavy use of computers is dangerous. Say “no” to such social evils as drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating junk food or gambling. Develop a positive attitude to life and people.
переведите очень нужно William Shakespeare (1564–1616) The last half of the XVIth and the beginning of the XVIIth centuries are the golden age of English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance. By that time England had become a powerful state. English trade was flourishing. New sciences were developing. This was “the age of Shakespeare”. William Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and probably the greatest playwright who has ever lived, was born in the town Stratford-on-Avon.30 In spite of his fame we know very little about his life. We even do not know the exact date of his birth. It is considered that he was born on April 23, 1564. His father was a merchant, and his mother was a farmer’s daughter. William lived in Stratford until he was about twenty-one, when he went to London. We do not know why he left Stratford-on-Avon. Neither do we know what were his first jobs in London. Later, Shakespeare became an actor and a member of one of the chief acting companies. Soon he began to write plays for his company and in a few years became a well-known author. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Among them there are deep tragedies, such as “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Macbeth”; light comedies, such as “All’s Well that Ends Well”, “Twelfth Night”, “Much Ado about Nothing”, historical dramas, such as “Henry IV”, “Richard III”. Shakespeare spent the last days of his life at Stratford where he returned in 1597. There he met Mary Fitton, the only woman he loved. She became “the dark lady” of his sonnets. William Shakespeare died in Stratford on his 52 birthday in 1616.
4 общих вопроса, 4 специальных вопроса, 4 альтернативных вопроса, 4 разделительных вопроса. По тексту ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Mr Smith is an old man. He's recently retired and so he's got a lot of time for travelling. He's соme to Moscow as a tourist Now he's sitting in the hotel hall and talking to Leonid Petrov, his guide. Petrov: Is this your first visit to Moscow, Mr Smith? Smith: Yes. But I've heard a lot about Moscow from my father. He was here before the Revolution. Moscow wasn't the capital then, was it? Petrov: Quite right. It only became the capital in 1918. Smith: The city has changed very much. You can hardly recognize any of the streets and squares. I don't think young people like you are member the dirty, narrow streets my father _saw in the suburbs, and in the centre, too during his visit. Petrov: I'm afraid I don't. I wonder what you will say after you've seen our new district in the Sou th - West.. Smith: Oh, I've heard about it from a friend. He told me it was a beautiful place with wide, straight streets and many gardens. We are going there, aren,t we? Petrov: Yes, well see it on the way to the new building of Moscow Uni versity. Mr Smith аlsо said that he had heard a lot about the Tretyakov. Picture Gallery and would, like to see it. Leonid told him that they were planning to see the Gallery in a few days. They were also going to see towns and villages, hospitals, collective farms, museums, exhibitions and 'many 'other interesting things. Mr Smith hoped he would see several other important industrial and agricultural centres in the Soviet Union addition to Moscow.