Дипломная работа: English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek

Then she would be able to enjoy holiday in peace. (I. Murdoch)

'Thisflirtationisboundtoendprettysoon.' (I. Murdoch)

It is clearly seen the correlation with the group of modal characteristics of active-verbal complication.

b) Content element of complication names the psychic characteristics, expressing attitude of the subject to the action: glad, sorry, ashamedand many others:

Dr. Krollwillbehappytoshowyouthehospitalitselflater.' (D, Lessing)

She was eager to tell me. (C. P. Snow)

Моrwas relieved to be with him for a moment. (I. Murdoch)

The differences of morphological nature of content element of complicator (adjective and participle) determine the participation of the sentences with appropriate predicates in the series of equivalent transformations (1) and (2):

(1)N be A to V → to V make N A → It make N A to V He was happy to come. → To come made him happy. → It made him happy to come.

(2)N be Vl en to V2 → to V2 Vl N → It V1 N to V2 He was amazed to see that. → To see that amazed him. → It amazed him to see that.

c) Adjectives as a part of complication in the given group denotes an objective feature, typical to the subject in the relation with the action named by the infinitive. As a complicating element come forward such adjectives as quick, slow, fit, apt, ready:

Hewasquicktoseizeonthisunexpectedgestureoffriendliness [...] (H. E. Bates) [...]

Iwas slow to pick up the reference. (C. P. Snow)

You weren't fit to take it,' she said. (C. P. Snow)

The boundary between the groups b) and c) is not absolute and appropriate difference is not always manifested. For example, in the sentence But only now I was prepared to listen. (D. Lessing) preparedcan be considered both as a denoting position, taken by the subject in the relation to the action expressed by the infinitive and as objective feature of relation, existing between the subject and the action.

d) Content element of complication — adjective expressing (in subjective interpretation of the author of utterance) feature typical to the subject in the relation with the action that it does: stupid, wise, mad, cruel, right, wrong, goodand so on:

You are quite right never to read such nonsense.

He had been wrong to let the boy get away.

You have been cruel to me to go away.

Distinctive feature of the constructions that belong to this group is the possibility of the following transformational formations: NbeAtoV → toVbeApN → ItbeApNtoV. Hewasmadtocome. → To come was mad of him. → It was mad of him to come.

e) The structures, combined in this subgroup, outwardly coincide with those, which were considered above. But there is difference of semantic structure, which are clearly seen in transformational level of analyses, for example:

Lost dogs are dreadful to think about. (J. Galsworthy)

She was good to look at in a broad way. (P. Abrahams)

Implicit meaning is peculiar to the components of the construction(the subject and the infinitive) : for the first one — object, for the second one : — passiveness, that determine the peculiarities of transformational constructions which differ from depicted above:

English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek

Verbal and adjective complications can be combined:

Moiraseemednottobeabletomove. (D. Lessing)

The first words may be more difficult to memorise than later ones.

(K. L. Pike)


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