Дипломная работа: English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek
Неfelt that everyone disapproved of Scarlett and was contemptuous of him. (instead contemptedhim) – U atrofdagilar Skarletni hush ko’rmasliklarini undan esa hazar qilishlarini his qilardi. -Ончувствовал, чтовсевокругнеодобряютСкарлеттипрезираютего.
These visits were disappointing. – Bu tashriflar uni hafsalasini pir qildi.-Этивизитыразочаровывали (ее).
Shewasshockedandunbelieving. –U dovdirab qoldi va bunga ishonmasdi.-Онабылапораженаиневерилаэтому.
Are you insulting, young man? – Siz, yigitcha, meni haqorat qilmoqchimiz?- Вычто, хотитеоскорбитьменя, молодойчеловек?
As it is clearly seen from the examples, the combination of the link- verb tobe with the adjective or participle I or II is equal to the appropriate verb (ikkilanmoq, hazar qilmoq and etc.), using which we translate the given word combination into Uzbek and Russian.
The usability of this form led to the origin in the speech of such stable word combinations with to be. For example:
I am serious. – Men jiddiy gapiryapman.-Яговорюсерьезно.
She was giddy. – Uning boshi aylandi.Унеезакружиласьголова.
Don'tbesoliteral. – Hammanarsaniaytilgandaytushinmang.-Heпонимайтевсебуквально.
Не washomesick. – Uuyiniqumsardi.-Он тосковал по дому.
The second, i.e. nominal element of the given type of predicate can be Participle II as well, for example:
She was amazingly well read. – U haddan tashqari ko’p o’qigan edi.- Онабылаисключительноначитана.
Moreover, fuzzy differentiation of transitive and intransitive verbs broadened the frameworks of using participles II as a part of the second element of the composite nominal predicate, so it has become possible to use in analogous function the participle II of intransitive verbs too, which is found in Uzbek and Russian:
Now, of course, all you gentlemen are well-travelled. – Albatta, janoblar hammalaringiz ko’p syohat qilgansizlar.-Конечно, всевы, джентльмены, многопутешествовали.
She is well-connected. – Uning yahshi tanishlari bor. - Унеепрекрасныесвязи.
Неwaswell-mounted. – Uningyahshiotiboredi. -Унегобылапрекраснаялошадь.
In spite of the fact that these are passive constructions according to their form, the subject does not designate the object of the action. On should make a slip in speaking that combinations «tobe + participle II» from intransitive verbs in the functions of composite nominal predicate are not frequent. Link- verb tobe in the combination with the adjective or the participle as a part of composite nominal predicate force out other link- verbs, which are more appropriate by meaning in this or that context: toget, toturn, togrow and so on, which transform dynamics of the action, transmission from one state into another, for example:
She was hot with sudden rage. - Un to’satdan jahli chiqib ketdi. - Еевнезапноохватилаярость.
Rhett's eyes were sharp with interest.- Ret ko’zlarida qiziqish uchqunlari chaqnab ketdi. - ВглазахРетавспыхнулинтерес.
He's lived here only since the year we were married. – U bu yerda faqat biz turmush qurganimizdan beri yashamoqda.Онживетздесьлишьстогогода, когдамыпоженились.
In some cases tobein theses combinations comes with the meaning of the verbs like tokeep, tofeeland so on:
Suddenly she was sorry for him. – U unga nisbatan achinishni his qildi.- Вдругонапочувствовалажалостькнему.
Shewassilentamoment.-U bir oz fursat jimlik saqladi.- Онапомолчаласминуту.
For a moment she was indignant that he should say other women were prettier, more clever and kind than she. –Bir fursatga u uning boshqa ayollar unga qaraganda go’zalroq, aqilliroq va mehribonroq degan so’zlaridan uzini noqulay sezdi.-Накакое-томгновениеонапочувствоваланегодованиеоттого, чтоонсказал, чтодругиеженщиныкрасивее, умнееидобрееее.
At last we have to stop at the combinations «tobe + noun- doer» (player, reader and etc.), formed from the appropriate verb. It transforms constant quality, intrinsic to this man. For example:
Неisagoodswimmer. – U yahshi suzadi.-Онхорошоплавает.
What a small eater you are!- Munchhamkameysan!- Как мало ты ешь!
Stable idiomatic expressions of this type were formed as well:
tobeapoorsailor – dengizda uzini yomon his