Дипломная работа: English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek

Has anyone been?- Kimdirkelganedimi?- Кто-нибудьзаходил?

I'vebeenforawalk. – Men sayr qilib kelgan edim-Япрогулялся.

The verb tobein definite word combinations can acquire other meanings too:

Mr Black and Mr White were at school together when they were boys.- Janob Blek va Janob Uaytlar bolaliklarida bitta maktabda o’qishgan.- Вдетствем-рБлэким-рУайтучилисьводнойшколе.

Are the boys in bed? –Bolalar uhlashayaptimi?-Мальчикиспят?

InEnglisha number of stable combinations with the verb to be were formed, which are translated into Uzbek and Russian as a rule by the combinations of the verbs of action. For example:

Не was ill at ease. – U uzini noqulay his qilardi.-Ончувствовалсебянеловко.

Are you in earnest? –Siz jiddiy gapirayapsizmi?-Выговоритесерьезно?

Yossarian was as bad at shooting skeet as he was at gambling. He could never win money gambling either. Even when he cheated he couldn't win, because the people he cheated against were always better at cheating too. –Iossaryan huddi qartalarda uynaganidek likopchalarni ham yomon nishonga olardi. U hech qachon yuta olmasdi, hattoki qalloblik qilgan taqdirda ham, chunki u aldashga uringan odamlar, qalloblik bo’yicha undan ustun edilar.- Иоссарьян так же плохо стрелял по тарелкам, как и играл в карты. Ему никогда не удавалось выиграть. Он не мог выиграть, даже когда мошенничал, потому что люди, которых он пытался обмануть, превосходили его и в мошенничестве.

In these last combinations to be loses its independent meaning keeping only the function of copula verb. This happens in all composite nominal predicates, expressed by the combination of the verb ‘to be+ noun/ adjective/ postposition’ and so on.

Let’s stop in our statement at some word combinations with the verb to be, omitting word combinations of to be with nouns like heisaturner, thetaskiseasy and so оn, which have been spoken enough about in the grammar of English language and which do not represent any difficulty for mastering, for they have little difference from the appropriate Uzbek and Russian word combinations. We shall pay attention to individual word combinations with to be, particularly characteristic to English language and that’s why they are of special interest for us. It is well-known, what meaning the postpositions possess in English. With the help of postpositions, which join a number of more often used English verbs, which enter the main vocabulary fund (todo, togo, tocome, tomake, toput, togive, totake and so on), the verbs with new meanings are formed. But when adding the postposition to the verbs of action the meaning of initial verb in the combination is either kept equally with the meaning of the added postposition, or the formed word combination acquires idiomatic meaning, and when adding the postposition to the verb to be the main semantic burden is carried by the postposition. For example:

Is Mr Brown in? – Janob Braun uydalarmi?-М-рБраундома?

No, he is out.- Yo’q u chiqib ketdilar- Нет, егонет. (Онвышел.)

Mr Brown is away at present. – Hozir Janob Braun safarda.- В настоящее время м-р Браун в отъезде.

I hear Mr Brown is back. – Eshitishimcha janob Braun qaytib kelganmish- Яслышал, м-рБраунвернулся.

I am through with my work. – Men ishimni tugatdim-Язакончилработу.

Many of these postpositions are polysemantic.

Thetrainisoff. – Poezd ketdi.-Поездушел.

The meeting was off. Majliso’tkazilmadi.-Собраниенесостоялось.

The lights were on. –Chiroqlar yoqildi.-Светбылвключен.

What is on at our cinema?- Kinoteatrda hozir nima ketyapti?- Чтоидетвнашемкинотеатре?

The children are not up yet. – Bolalar hali turishmadi.-Детиещеневстали.

The prices for foodstuffs were up. – Iste’mol mollari narhi ko’tarildi. -Ценынапродовольственныетоварыповысились.

Your time is up. –Sizga ajratilgan vaqt tugadi.-Вашевремяистекло.

Dictionary records a large number of stable word combinations with postpositions: tobeabouttodosmth.- -moqchi (rejalashtirilgan ish harakat)- собираться, намереватьсясделатьчто-л.;

tobeuptosmth.- boshlab qo’ymoq-замышлять, затеватьчто-л.;

tobeuptosmb. – bog’liq bo’lmoq-зависетьоткого-л.,.

tobefor (someplace) – yo’lga chiqmoq-отправляться, ехатькуда-лand so on.

One can notice how wider English to be is used than Uzbek ‘bo’lmoq’ and Russian ‘быть’. This is very evident in a number of cases where Englishmen prefer composite nominal predicate, which consists of copula verb ‘to be’ and an adjective or participle I or II which have the meaning of appropriate verb, to simple verbal predicate. For example:

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