Дипломная работа: Syntax and semantics of verbals in English
The use of the infinitive without the particle to (the bare infinitive).
In Modern English the infinitive is chiefly used with the particle to[9] . In Old English to was a preposition used with the infinitive in the dative case to indicate purpose (to writenne meant 'in order to write'). Later on to was re-interpreted as the formal sign of the infinitive and came to be used not only to denote purpose but in other cases as well. Still there are cases when the so-called bare infinitive (the infinitive without the particle to) is used.[10] They are as follows:
1. After auxiliary verbs.
I don't understand the meaning of this passage.
We shall go there at once.
2. After modal verbs except the verb ought.
If one cannot have what one loves, one must love what one has (Wilson)
3. After verbs denoting sense perception, such as to hear, to see, to feel etc.
In a few minutes they heard him ascend the ladder to his own room. (Hardy)
Через несколько минут они услышали, что он поднимается но лестнице в свою комнату.
I never saw, you look so before. (Hardy)
Я никогда не видел, чтобы вы так хорошо выглядели.
I felt my heart jump. (Heym)
Я почувствовал, что у меня ёкнуло сердце.
The verb to be after the verb to feel is used with the particle to: I felt this to be very true.
(Dickens) Я чувствовал, что это совершенно верно.
4. After the verb to let.
Let us be the best friends in the world! (Dickens)
5. After the verb “to make” in the meaning of 'заставлять' and the verb “to have” in the meaning of 'заставлять, допускать, велеть'.
What makes you think so? (Carter)
Что заставляет вас так думать?
I... had them take my baggage. (Hemingway)
Я... велел им взять мой багаж.
The verb to have in the meaning of 'допускать' is chiefly used after the modal verbs will and would in negative sentences.
I will not have you call him Daniel any more. (Trollope)
Я не допущу, чтобы вы продолжали называть его Даниэлем.
1 would not have you think that I am selfish. (Trollope)
Я не допущу, чтобы вы считали меня эгоистом.
6. After the verb to know when its meaning approaches that of to see, to observe (the verb to know never has this meaning in the Present Indefinite).