Контрольная работа: Marketing Plan for juice "Seila"
- Central government is going to be seriously concerns about environmental issues
· Technological analysis
- Through modern equipment WBD increases efficiency of its business and can has up-to-date data about their products
1.5 Market Analysis
According to the Russian Union of Manufacturers of Juice by the end 2008 manufacture has concentrated in hands of four companies of giants[5] . there is a unique opportunity at the Russian market of juices. There are a lot of different players at the market, but there is no the strongly pronounced leader. The main players control 80% of the market
«Lebedyanskii» (market share 32%),
«Multun» (market share 22%),
«Nidan» (market share 17%)
«WBD» (market share 16%).
Appendix 1 shows us the structure of the market of juices in Russia.
According to the report «RosBusinessKonsulting» (Russian market of juices. RBK. Market research, 2008) the premium segment of the market is chosen by more prosperous part of consumers. In connection with growing incomes of the population the class share premium, about 2006–2008 has grown from 0,4% to 2,7%.
Drinks of an average price segment are in demand at working modern young people. The share of this segment practically has not changed in comparison with 2007 (12%). Now there is a rapid development of the bottom average and bottom price segments of the juice market. According to experts of the company in 2009 together these segments occupied more than 50% of the market.
1.6 Market Growth
According to the researchers from «RosBusinessKonsulting» (Russian market of juices. RBK. Market research, 2008) growth rate are going to be about 8% during 2009–2012.
As predicted production volume of the market of juice by the year 2012 will be 3,5 bln. liters a year. (Appendix 2)
2. Marketing Strategy
WBD will launch the highest quality of fruit juice «Seila». The strategy is to position «Seila» as a natural and healthy juice; the strategy will seek to create customer awareness regarding product.
2.1 Mission
WBD’s mission is as follows:
- Quality: Our fruit juices are the highest quality, most nutritious food products…because we will accept nothing less.
- Innovative: Our products have always been in the forefront of the health and nutrition wave. Innovative products, state of the art manufacturing, quality assurance and industry expertise are the bases for our past and future successes.
- Integrity: Our customers depend on the quality of our juice products. Our commitment to the highest standard is the foundation of our customer's trust in WBD. Delivering freshly made juice to consumers depends on extensive cooperation and mutual reliance between supplier and retailer. We stand behind our product, our service and our word.
- Reputation: Our juices have a reputation on offering the most delicious, nutritious, 100% natural with no artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.
2.2 Marketing objectives
· Market Share Objectives:
· To gain 40% of the market for soft drink industry by August 2011.
· Profitability Objectives:
· To achieve a 10% return on capital employed by January 2010.
· Promotional Objectives: