Контрольная работа: Marketing Plan for juice "Seila"

· Customer satisfaction.

· Market share analysis.

Competitor profile – Keep updated competitor profile.

Marketing information system – Document on every enquiry «How did you hear about us?»

Produce monthly sales reports by product, by market segment, by territory and sales representative.

4. Strategy and Implementation Summary

Large soft drinks companies advertise direct to consumers, sponsor sporting events, concerts, radio programs, etc. Competing with such large campaigns is obviously unrealistic for a small soft drinks producer. A branded product will benefit from publicity rather than advertising. This is easier to achieve if the product is unusual.

The strategy of «WBD» is to focus on our niche market which is health/natural food stores that serve the young active professional.

Marketing Strategy

«WBD» will introduce its products at 20% off regular price during the first month. In addition, «WBD» will co-sponsor local athletic charitable events to raise the visibility of the brand name.

Sales Strategy

The sales strategy is to build customer loyalty in the new markets. «WBD» will increase its sales force to focus on the new markets.

5. Individual Critical Reflection on Learning Outcomes

• The specific sources of value offered by my chosen company Evaluation the extent to which my advertisement has contributed to the value offered by the company to its customers.

Wimm-Bill-Dann has some specific sources of value for its customers. The first one is quality. Its fruit juices are the highest quality, most nutritious food products…because it will accept nothing less. The second one is innovations. Its products have always been in the forefront of the health and nutrition wave. Innovative products, state of the art manufacturing, quality assurance and industry expertise are the bases for Wimm-Bill-Dann past and future successes. The third one is integrity. Its customers depend on the quality of its juice products. Its commitment to the highest standard is the foundation of its customer's trust in WBD. Delivering freshly made juice to consumers depends on extensive cooperation and mutual reliance between supplier and retailer. Wimm-Bill-Dann stands behind its product, its service and its word.

• The reflection of my achievement of up to three of the module learning outcomes

I think the most important learning outcomeI gained from the making marketing plan is putting together its different parts. I went through all the stages of composing a plan for Wimm-Bill-Dann, from market analysis to revenue/cost spreadsheet calculations. This experience is of the practical use for me. With this knowledge it will be easier for me to start my own business and to feel more comfortable in developing other marketing plans. Especially useful was making market analysis, which involves a lot of efforts and which helps to understand the process of building the business step by step.

The next important learning outcome I gained is absolute necessity to find a way of effective communication with customers. I am sure that the role of communication in marketing strategy is absolutely necessary. It provides transferring information, ideas, and plans among multiple customers. It is a vascular system of any marketing strategy. Communication process is inevitable for marketing process and defines how a product or services would exist. All possible marketing functions and roles such as product placement, promotion could not be properly performed without effective marketing communication.

Another good learning outcome worth mentioning I’ve learned from the process of making marketing plan is identifying which marketing ideas have real commercial potential.

There are three very good tools that can help to make a successful marketing plan. The first one is to create exceptional utility – to identify where and how the new product or service will change the lives of its customers. The second one is setting a marketing strategic price – it must not only attract customers in large numbers but also help to retain them. And the third tool is building a profitable business model – a good business model is itself a powerful defense against imitation.

• My expectations at the start of the module

At the start of the module I expected that there are three options to fight the rivals: attack, coexist, or become low-cost players. None of these options is easy, but the right marketing plan can help learn which strategy is most likely to work. It is recommended not to launch the price war with your competitors. Instead companies should increase the differentiation of their products by using a combination of tactics, intensify differentiation by offering more benefits to consumers.

The experience I bring to the module in the context of the learning outcomes

In the context of the learning outcomes I brought to the module a lot of experiences. First of all, breakthrough pricing strategy can destroy competitors and shake up industries. By offering lower prices and better services than its rivals Wimm-Bill-Dann simply took their customers away. The invention and deployment of new ways of doing work enabled Wimm-Bill-Dann to build customer loyalty.

Wimm-Bill-Dann faced a number of operational challenges from the first days of its creation, but it overcame each of them one by one. By using the models of the most successful Internet retailers of that time, they identified characteristics that are mostly appealing to customers: value, convenience and selection. These three characteristics are the main pillars that create a stable base for the company.

The initial pricing model that Wimm-Bill-Dann deployed was similar to that offered by traditional drinks producers – charging for a movie, shipping costs and extended rental fees. But facing a frustration from their early customers regarding the prices Wimm-Bill-Dann shifted to its popular organic drinks, which became Wimm-Bill-Dann’s key insight value.

Soon after that Wimm-Bill-Dann adjusted its pricing system it helped to significantly simplify the program and made it easier to explain the program. This compelling market proposition added a new group of fans for whom drinks were a regular part of their daily life.

In order to better balance customer demand, Wimm-Bill-Dann developed a proprietary recommendation system that increased the utilization of Wimm-Bill-Dann’s product line by satisfying customers.

• The experience has been used to achieve the learning outcome

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