Контрольная работа: Перевод в профессиональной сфере

Will be responsible expresses the function of the compound nominative predicate.

For – a preposition, simple.

Work - a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object.

Is - a verb, auxiliary, in singular, of 3rd person, Present Indefinite Tense.

Empowered - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Passive Voice, Past Participle.

To – a particle.

Act - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, intransitive, simple, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Indefinite Infinitive.

Is empowered to act expresses the function of the compound verbal predicate.

For – a preposition, simple.

Contractor – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.

For Contractor expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object.

In – a preposition, simple

All – a pronoun, expresses the function of the attribute in extended adverbial modifier of place.

Everyday – an adjective, in positive degree, compound, expresses the function of the attribute in extended adverbial modifier of place.

Operational - an adjective, in positive degree, derivative, expresses the function of the attribute in extended adverbial modifier of place.

Matters – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender.

In all everyday operational matters expresses the function of extended adverbial modifier of place.

Relating - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, intransitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Present Participle.

To – a preposition, simple.

Contractor’s - a noun, common, countable, in singular, in possessive case, of neuter gender, derivative, expresses the function of the attribute in extended attribute.

Performance - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.

Of – a preposition, simple.

Work - a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in extended attribute.

Relating to Contractor’s performance of work - Participle clause, expresses the function of extended attribute.

Notices – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.

Concerning - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Present Participle.

Operations - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender.

Concerning operations - Participle clause, expresses the function of attribute.

Which- a pronoun, relative, in nominative case, expresses the function of the subject.

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