Контрольная работа: Перевод в профессиональной сфере

Given - a verb, notional, non-finite, irregular, transitive, derivative, in Indicative mood, Passive Voice, Past Participle, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Operational - an adjective, in positive degree, derivative, , expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Instructions - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender.

In accordance with given operational instructions expresses the function of the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

In conformity with - a preposition, group.

Strict - an adjective, in positive degree, simple, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Health - a noun, common, uncountable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, simple, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Safety - a noun, common, uncountable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, derivative, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Environmental - an adjective, in positive degree, derivative, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Quality - a noun, common, uncountable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, derivative, expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

System - a noun, common, countable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, simple, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.

All – pronoun, , expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Applicable - an adjective, in positive degree, derivative, , expresses the function of the attribute in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Laws - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Standards - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Specifications - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Regulations - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Codes - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.

Procedures - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in plural, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

in strict compliance with Health, Safety, Environmental, Quality System and all applicable Laws, standards, specifications, regulations, codes of practice and procedures expresses the function of the extended adverbial modifier of condition.

Applicable - an adjective, in positive degree, derivative.

To – a preposition, simple.

Work - a noun, common, countable, simple, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the prepositional indirect object in the extended attribute.

Applicable to work expresses the function of the extended attribute.

Contractor – a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, expresses the function of the subject.

Represents – a verb, notional, finite, in singular, of 3rd person, regular, derivative, transitive, in Indicative mood, Active Voice, Present Indefinite tense, expresses the function of the predicate.

And – a conjunction, coordinating, simple.

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