Контрольная работа: Перевод в профессиональной сфере
That - a pronoun, demonstrative, in singular, 3rd person.
Contract – a noun, common, countable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, simple, expresses the function of the attribute.
Equipment - a noun, common, countable, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender, derivative, expresses the function of the subject.
Provided - a verb, notional, non-finite, regular, transitive, in Indicative mood, Passive Voice, Past Participle.
By – a preposition, simple.
Contractor - a noun, common, countable, derivative, in singular, in common case, of neuter gender.
Provided by Contractor - Participle clause, expresses the function of attribute.
Is - a verb, auxiliary, in singular, of 3rd person, Present Indefinite Tense.
Designated - a verb, notional, non-fini