Контрольная работа: Reculiarites of Teaching English

5) The task is to choose one of the topics from those given below . The pupils should pay special attention to the use of articles.

“My Family”

“At School”

“My Working Day”

“My Holidays”

“Seasons and Weather”

Opportunity should be given for the pupil to express his own thoughts and ideas in these exercises. Though the pattern is there to limit or control the language he uses, he should be encouraged to express what he thinks, using the vocabulary he knows and the situations he is familiar with. It is only when the speaker feels that he is communicating his real purpose and intention that language has meaning for him.

In conclusion, it should be said that everything a pupil writes as a test must be easy for him because he is asked to write only those which he already knows thoroughly.

It cannot be stressed strongly enough that none of the above types of tasks can be used as tests if the pupils were not taught to do them in the process of learning the target language.

The results of my investigation show that there is no easy, systematic way to learn articles. They are best learnt through examples, word combination, phraseological units, and practice of different exercises. Teachers of English should draw pupils’ attention to articles in all possible ways. Here are some advantages you may wish to highlight:

- more information about using articles,

- more examples,

- often have grammar exercises,

- illustrations to teach lexical sets,

- have some exercises.

There is no “magic” way to learn articles. The best way to approach them is through regular and extensive practice. Exercises presented will give pupils practice in both understanding the meaning and using articles appropriately in context. [7:53; 11:138]


The article is a form-word of the noun, and serves to specify it. There are two articles in Modern English: the indefinite article and the definite article. The use of these articles depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a group, or to a specific member of a group. Another important, and so far unsolved problem is the question of teaching articles.

The indefinite article has two forms: a and an. The form a is used before words beginning with a consonant. The form an is used before words beginning with a consonant. The form an is used before words beginning with a vowel. The indefinite article originated from the Old English numeral an (one). As a result of its origin it is used only with countable nouns in the singular.

The indefinite article is used before a noun when we name an object referring it to a class of objects having this name or when a person or thing unknown to the hearer or reader is mentioned for the first time.

The definite article has one graphic form the. It originated from the demonstrative pronoun that; it is used with nouns both in the singular and in the plural. The definite article is used before a noun when a particular object is meant which we single out from all the other objects of the same class or with a noun if it is clear from the context or situation what particular object meant.

While some nouns combine with one article or the other based on whether they are countable or uncountable, others simply never take either article. No article is used with nouns preceded by possessive, demonstrative or interrogative pronouns as well as the pronouns some, any, no, each, every. Zero article is used with a noun in the plural if the indefinite article was used in the singular, with the names of seasons, months and the days of the week. But when these words have limited attribute, they are used with the definite article. The article is often omitted in newspaper headlines and in a number of set expressions.

Another important, and so far unsolved problem is the question of teaching articles, as there is no easy way of teaching and learning articles. Only through different exercises pupils can learn how to use articles correctly.


Курсову роботу присвячено особливостям викладання теми «Артикль». В англійській мові перед іменниками вживається особливе службове слово – артикль. Відповідно ця робота розкриває поняття про означений та неозначений артиклі, різницю між ними, основні особливості вживання, випадки коли артикль відсутній, тобто нульовий артикль. Також увагу звернуто на різноманітні вправи для вивчення, вдосконалення та перевірки правильності використання артиклів.

Мета цієї роботи розкрити і описати поняття про артиклі; відмінності у вживанні; способи викладання теми « Артикль»; шляхи подолання труднощів у процесі викладання.

Відповідно до мети поставлено наступні завдання:

· розкрити поняття про артикль;

· визначити основні відмінності у використанні артиклів;

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