Курсовая работа: Особенности употребления артикля в современном английском языке
Таким образом, рассмотрев предложенные примеры, представляется целесообразным согласиться с Г.А. Вейхманом в том, что в современном английском языке имеется тенденция к расширению употребления нулевого артикля. Наиболее часто нулевой артикль используется в письменной речи, особенно в инструкциях, различных объявлениях, в подписях под фотографиями, в кулинарных рецептах. Интересно, что чем подробнее рекламное объявление и чем ближе оно к связному литературному тексту, тем более традиционно используются артикли. [Цит. по 17]
С чем связана эта тенденция и насколько она оправдана – мы попытаемся выяснить во второй главе этой курсовой работы путем анализа всевозможных текстов.
Глава 3. Практическое исследование
Во всей второй главе выделенным шрифтом будут указаны случаи употребления «нулевого артикля».
3. 1 Анализ газетных материалов
1) Foster rigged home to turn into fireball
Millionaire businessman Christopher Foster laid a complex network of fuel pipes through his mansion to ensure it burned to the ground, it emerged on Wednesday night. The 50-year-old diverted oil from a storage tank to flood the stable, house and garage, before setting it alight, it is believed. The first pictures of firefighters tackling the ferocious blaze at Osbaston House last Tuesday were also released. Two bodies found in the mansion have been identified as Mr Foster and his wife, Jill, 49, who died from a gunshot wound to the head. The body of a third victim, thought to be their daughter Kirstie, has yet to be identified. Reports suggest the 15-year-old was shot in the back of the head as she chatted to friends on the social networking website Bebo. Det Supt Jon Groves said officers may not be able to confirm whether the third body is Kirstie for a while. 'It will be some time into next week, and possibly longer, before we have those results,' he said. He would not confirm Mr Foster laid the pipe network, saying: 'I am not prepared to comment on speculation .' Detectives think Mr Foster suffered a breakdown triggered by the collapse of his company and decided to destroy his £1.2million home in Maesbrook, Shropshire, rather than see it sold to creditors. CCTV footage showed him striding around his property with the rifle he used to slaughter his wife, daughter and animals. [19]
2) Teenage handbag thief outpaced by 72-year-old ex-sprinter
A teenage thief picked on the wrong victim when she tried to run off with a bag belonging to pensioner Jean Hirst - a former championship sprinter. The schoolgirl was surprised to discover her victim, a former All England Schools championship sprinter, still had a turn of pace - at the age of 72. As Mrs Hirst gave chase, she soon began to close on the culprit who was forced to throw down the bag in her desperation to escape.
The retired teacher had allowed three teenage girls into her car to help her with directions after getting lost on the way to a theatre. She was straight out of the starting blocks again, however, when one of them took advantage and tried to make off with her bag. Mrs Hirst said: “Suddenly I felt 18 again. The adrenaline just kicked in and I seemed to turn back the years.“She had a head start but I covered 70 yards in about 15 seconds and was within two strides of her when she looked over her shoulder and saw me. “She probably thought I was an easy target but she shouldn’t have judged a book by its cover. The look on her face was one of sheer amazement and she just threw my bag aside.” Mrs Hirst, a widow, from Mansfield, Notts, was able to stop and pick up the bag which she described as containing her “whole life”, including her purse, keys and address book. As a 17 year old, she was the Nottinghamshire County Schools 100 yards champion and qualified for the final of All England Schools Championship in Ashington, Northumberland.
Her latest unscheduled sprint was from the car park of the Duchess Theatre, in Long Eaton, Derbyshire. She had stopped to ask the three girls, who were aged around 15 or 16, if they knew the way and they insisted on getting into the car to take her there. When they arrived one of the girls asked for 20 pence and Mrs Hirst realised her bag had suddenly disappeared with one of the back seat passengers who was calling for the others to go with her. “Then she started running and that’s when the fun began. I was not as out of breath as I thought I would be at my age,” she said. When Mrs Hirst returned to the car, the other girls apologized for their friend’s actions and she decided against calling the police. She added: “I just told them to choose their friends more carefully. There was no way I could detain them and at the end of the day I was just glad I had my bag back.” Mrs Hirst, who has two grown up children, was later rebuked by her daughter who told her the girl could have had a knife or turned aggressive. She added: “I didn’t think of my safety, but I did pay for it a little the next day. I was covered in aches and pains and my daughter turned to me and said it was because I didn’t warm up properly.” [20]
В названиях вышеприведенных статей мы видим случаи опущения артиклей там, где в обычных текстах они непременно бы присутствовали. А также в нескольких случаях внутри статей присутствуют выражения, где предпочтение отдается «нулевому артиклю» вместо грамматически верных определенного или неопределенного.
Во-первых, стоит отметить, что подобное сокращение количества слов в названиях газетных статей делает их более легкими для запоминания читателем. Во-вторых, укороченные за счет опущения артиклей фразы в заголовках дают возможность просматривающему газету сконцентрироваться на основной мысли предлагаемой статьи. В-третьих, хочется подчеркнуть, что в самих статьях встречаются случаи опущения артикля, но довольно редко, что говорит о том, что тенденция употребления «нулевого артикля» распространяется в основном на стилистически оправданные приемы и не является повсеместной.
Объявления с графикой
Весьма интересны для нашего исследования небольшие графические объявления, в которых подчас и вовсе отсутствуют артикли, хотя и не всегда. Говоря о графических объявлениях, а также всевозможных коротких рекламах, нельзя не упомянуть, что производители рекламной продукции в первую очередь ставят перед собой задачу: привлечь внимание клиентов, и не преследуют цели: сохранить грамматически верную конструкцию предложения. В связи с этим вполне оправдано опущение артиклей в такого рода материалах, т.к. в этих случаях язык является не целью, а средством, с помощью которого завоевывается какая-либо аудитория.
Объявления по трудоустройству
Tourism and Promotions Officer, Part Time
COVENT GARDEN BUREAU | c£45,000 + benefits [21]
Switched on Receptionist for creative marketing agency - 17-19K
International HR Manager – Advertising Agency – Generalist/Recruitment - £35K to £45K
CHANGES RECRUITMENT | £35k to £45K [22]
Personal Assistant to Academic Head