Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

2. (For proof) (of the genuineness) (of his product) one manufacturer put a dead bee (in every jar) (of artificial «honey»)

3. Harmful chemical preservatives were indiscriminately added (to foods)

4. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief chemist (of the Department of Agriculture), was a crusader (for regulation)

5. His stand was un popular (with many groups) (of people)

6. Each year new opponents attacked Dr. Wiley.

7. He had a powerful ally, President Theodore Roosevelt.

8. (After many difficulties) a bill was passed and was sent (To the President)

9. (In 1906) the bill became a low and opened a new era (in public health)

10. (IN 1956) (on the fiftieth anniversary) (of the law’s passage) Dr. Wiley’s portrait was placed (on a commemorative stamp)

MASTERY TEST 1B Parts of the Simple Sentence


Copy the italicized words s a column and number them 1 to 25. Then, using the following abbreviations, indicate the use in the sentence of each word. Write the abbreviations in a column to the right of the words.

s.s.–simple subject d.o.–direct object

v.–verb i.o.–indirect object

p.a.–predicate adjective o.p.–object of preposition

p.n.–predicate noun ap.–appositive

p.pr.–predicate pronoun a.n.–adverbial noun

1. The chief source of lead is galena, a gray mineral.

2. Were elephants ever native to America?

3. The next week Ralph, an excellent pitcher, became a member of the team.

4. Is that frisky hamster a pet of yours?

5. A few minutes later the sky was growing red and purple and just a little darker.

6. For Easter Grandmother Lane bought Susie a new red bonnet with a feather on it.

7. Tom and Huck adopted Joe as a member of their club and taught him all their secret signs.

8. Betsy, a skilled mimic, reenacted the scene with deadly realism.

When your test has been marked, turn to the first page of the book and following directions, prepare your achievement graph for the year. Then enter on the graph your mark in Test 1. During the year enter on this graph your mark in every mastery test.

2.6 Subject, Verb, Direct Object, Complement

ADJECTIVE COMPLEMENT An adjective complement completes the verb and refers to the direct object.

It is the usually a noun or an adjective.

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