Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure

For the prevention of scurvy each British sailor was allotted a daily ration of lemon juice. (Ration is the retained object)

The astronaut was an awarded a medal for his achievements.

The retained object medal is separated from the verb by a wavy line.

RETAINED INDIRECT OBJECT An indirect object may also be retained in the passive voice.

Active voice: They gave the winner of the spelling bee a prize.

Passive voice: A prize was given the winner of the spelling bee. (Winner is a retained indirect object. The passive does not emphasize the doer of the action.)

Two hamsters were given him for Christmas.

The retained indirect object him is diagramed like a regular indirect object.

PRACTICE 17. Identifying Parts of the Simple Sentence D

Diagram the following sentences.

OR Copy the following sentences, skipping every other line. Underline every simple or compound subject once and every predicate verb twice. Enclose every prepositional phrase in parentheses. Identify all forms listed below. Write the abbreviation above the word.

p.a.–predicate adjective ap.–appositive

p.n.–predicate noun a.n.–adverbial noun

p.pr.–predicate pronoun o.c.–objective complement

d.o.–direct object r.o.–retained object

i.o.–indirect objects r.i.o.–retained indirect object

o.p.–object of preposition

1 We found Scott uneasy (about his examination).

2. The boys were given excellent advice (for the selection) (of a college).

3. Heavy insulation will make the doghouse warm and cozy.

4. The princes in «The Lady or the Tiger?» is given two choices.

5. Dad painted the living room a light shade (of green)

6 A reward was offered her.

PRACTICE 18 Using Retained Objects

Change each of the following sentences with indefinite subjects into sentences with retained objects.

Example: They gave us three suggestions for starting a coin collection.

We were given three suggestions for starting a coin collection.

1. They gave the pirates five minutes for their decision.

2. they told us nothing about the change in regulations

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