Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure
An appositive and a predicate noun are similar. The difference is that a verb connects the subject and the predicate noun, while an appositive follows a word directly and is generally set off by commas.
Appositive: The Homestake, this country’s largest gold mine, is in Lead, South Dakota.
Predicate noun: The Homestake is this country’s largest gold mine.
Bloody Basin, the locate of several Zane Grey novels, is still a primitive area.
Locale is in apposition with Bloody Basin. An appositive is placed after the word it explains and is enclosed in parentheses. The and of several Zane Grey novels modify locale.
ADVERBIAL NOUN Nouns which indicate distance, time, weight, or value are often used as adverbs.
The ill-fated Shenandoah was almost three city blocks long. (How 25000 long? Blocks.)
Before its crash in 1925 this famous dirigible had flown 25,000 miles. (How much? Miles.)
1. Last Summer Paul, Chris, and I rode a mule-drawn barge on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Summer, a noun used as an adverb, modified the verb rode. It is diagramed like the object of a preposition.
2. The square, wooden houses of prosperous New England sea captains were usually three stories high.
Stories, a noun used as an adverb, modify the predicate adjective high.
PRACTICE 15. Identifying Parts of the Simple Sentence
Diagram the following sentences.
OR Copy the following sentences, Skipping every other line. Underline every simple or compound subject once and every predicate verb twice. Enclose every prepositional phrase in parentheses. Identify all forms listed below. Write the abbreviation above the word.
p.a.–predicate i.o.–indirect adjective
p.n.–predicate noun o.p.–object of preposition
p.pr.–predicate pronoun ap.–appositive
d.o.–direct object a.n.–adverbial noun
A. 1. The medicine man is a stock character (in many Western movies and novels)
2. (According to the salesman) his «snake oil» could cure any ailment.
3. His comical behavior has given modern movie-goers many laughs.
4. (In a serious vein) he symbolizes the lack (of protection) (for the citizens) (of yesterday)
5. Lack (of uniform legislation) and inadequate protection endangered the heals (of all Americans) sixty years ago.
6. Foods and drugs were not regulated (for the welfare) (of all)
7. Sellers (of medicines) made impossible claims.
8. Foods were packaged (under unsanitary conditions.)
9. Weights were dishonest.
10. Narcotics (in medicines) caused drug addiction.