Курсовая работа: Teaching sentence structure
The executioner found Sydney Carton ready. (Found Sydney Carton what? Ready. The adjective ready refers to the direct object, Sydney Carton.)
Do not mistake a sentence with a indirect object for a sentence with an objective complement.
Ellen made Dad a knitted tie. (Made for Dad a tie. Dad is the indirect object; tie is the direct object.)
Ellen made Dad proud of her. (Made Dad what? Proud. Dad is the direct object; proud is the objective complement.)
A verb which takes an objective complement in the active voice may in the passive voice take a predicate noun or a predicate adjective.
Objective complement: The basketball team chose Frank captain.
Predicate noun: Frank was chosen captain by the basketball team.
Objective complement: Dad has painted our boat maroon.
Predicate adjective: Our boat have been painted maroon by Dad.
The active voice with the objective complement is usually more vivid and forceful than the passive.
1. Mrs. Hollis considers the dictionary the most valuable reference book.
The objective complement reference book completes the verb and refers to the direct object, dictionary. The line slants toward the object.
2. Years of care and anxiety had made George Washington homesick for Mount Vernon and eager for a quiet retirement.
Homesick eager are a compound objective complement. They complete the verb had made and refers to the direct object, George Washington.
PRACTICE 16. Using the Objective Complement
Change each of the following sentences in the passive voice to a sentence in the active voice. Use an objective complement in each. Underline the objective complement.
Example: I was made afraid by the sudden noise.
The sudden noise made me afraid.
1. Sally was elected president by the junior class.
2. Sue Johnson was voted most popular by the senior class.
3. The brown grass was sprayed green by Dad.
4. Jim is considered a great with by his friends.
5. The pink dogwood is considered by many people the most people the most beautiful flowering tree.
RETAINED OBJECT A verb which takes an indirect object in the active voice may in the passive voice retain a direct object (called the «retained object»).
Active voice, with indirect object: Mr. Tompkins gave the new pitcher his instructions (Instructions is the direct object; pitcher is the indirect object.)
Passive voice with retained object: The new pitcher was given his instructions by Mr. Tompkins. (Instructions is the retained object)