Курсовая работа: The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies

But she is afraid that he is evil enough to obtain it by the most direct means. She reveals her own nature most fully in the address she then makes to the spirits of evil:

Lady Macbeth:

Come, you spirits

That tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here,

And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top – full

Of direst cruelty! … (I.V. 38–41)

Леди Макбет:

Сюда, ко мне злодейские наиться

В меня вселитесь, бесы, духи тьмы!

Пусть женщина умрет во мне. Пусть буду

Я лютою жестокостью полна. (I.V. стр. 493)

Макбет хоним:

Қани сиз эй, ёвузликнинг топқирликлари,

Зулмат руҳи қабоҳатлар қалбимга келинг!

Сафро билан тўлатинглар сийналаримни!

Қонхўрликнинг ваҳший кучи танамга тшлсин! (С.А.) (I.V.27 бет)

Макбет хоним:

Ҳай қайдасиз, келинг, ўлим фаришталари!

Ўзгартиринг жинсимни. Ва ёвузликларга

Чулғаб олинг мени бошдан – оёғим қадар. (Ж.К) (I.V. 80 бет)[5]

Realizing that her husband’s hopes of the crown may be impeded by his feelings of humanity, she prays that her own similar feelings may be suppressed. This proves that she not the hard, cold, unfeeling villain of the piece, but one who, if she is to attain what she aims at, will also have to reckon with those finer feelings which are common to most human natures. But she is, perhaps, more purposeful, less ready to consider secondary matters (even those which concern conscince), and this is why she is, unlike her husband, has no need of supernatural encouragement, and therefore why none is given to her.

When her husband comes soon often her first appearance, they understand one another exactly, without saying so, each realizes that Duncan will not leave the castle alive. Lady Macbeth seems to wish that the whole plan should be put into her hands, for she thinks she is now supremely firm in her purpose. But when the time is right for the murder, and she has urged Macbeth’s feelings; for, as the noise of Macbeth calling out at the back suggests that he has been discovered and has failed in his attempt, she admits that she could not have done the deed her self:

He could not miss them – Had he not resembled

My father as he slept, I had don't – My husband

Alack! I am afraid they have awoked,

And’t is not done: – the attempt, and not the deed,

Confounds us. – Hark! – I laid their dangers ready.

However, even if her actions are hindered, she thinks quickly. Her impassioned speeches when Macbeth first comes to her in the play are in significant contrast to those in which she smoothly and humbly flatters her quest. Duncan with her offers of service. And so it is through the play: Macbeth is again and again relieved of burdens and accusations because his wife is ready to excuse him and explain away

What seems so evil. When Macbeth has murdered Duncan he is haunted with the vision of murderous hands turned against him. His wife is not so troubled, and when the knocking begins at the outer gate she is ready with measures to conceal the crime. She sees the blood on his hands, and says;

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