Курсовая работа: The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies

Дункан мабода

Ухлаганда падаримга ўхшамасайди,

Унда ўзим \амма ишни этардим ало.


(Ж.К.) (II. 2.192.б)

Lady Macbeth:

Had he not resembled

My father as he slept, I hadn’t done.

(II.II. 12–13 p)

Леди Макбет:

Когда б так не был схож Дункан во сне

С моим отцом, я сладила сама бы.

(II.II. стр. 501)

Макбет хоним:

Эвоҳ, Дункан уйқусида марҳум отамга

Бунча ўхшаб кетмаса-ми! Уни мен ўзим

Тинчитардим. (II.II. 39 бет)

Banquo, like Duncan, is pictured as good, brave and gracious. Both these men are, because of their positions and their honourable natures, great dangwers to Macbeth in his ambitions, for their goodness contrasts too plainly with his wickedness. Like Duncan too, Banquo trusts too readily in appearances; they are both too easily deceived into thinking all is well in Macbeth’s castle because its situation is attractive:


This quest of summer,

The temple – naunthing martlet, does approve

By his loved mansionary that the hearen’s breath

Smells wooingly, here; no jultly, frieze,

Buttreis, nor coign of vantage, but this bird

Hath made his pendent bed and procreant cradle.

(I.IV. 3–8 p.)


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