Курсовая работа: The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies
The instruments of darkness, …
Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s
In deepest consequence. (I.III. 124–6).
Банко (секин Макбетга)
Жуда кўп вақт, бошга кулфат тушгиси келса,
Жаҳаннамнинг тили билан башорат қилиб,
Осонгина ишончингни қозонадию,
Имонингни қўлдан олиб, чалиб кетади.
(С.А.) (I.III. 19 бет).
Банко (в сторону, Макбету)
Но духи лжи, готовя нашу гибель,
Сперва подобьем правды манят нас,
Чтоб уничтожить тяжестью последствий.
(I.III. стр. 489).
Duncan is, with Banquo, in stringing contrast to Macbeth. As king of Scotland, Duncan is taken to be an old man, and appears in the play to be honourable, trusting and humble in carrying out the duties of his position. We see him first when his country is hard-pressed by invaders from Norway and rebels aty home. In this struggle Macbeth distinguishes himself as a great fighter and Duncan hears good reports of him with great pleasure. But what the king says of the rebel. Thane of Cowdor shows his own particular difficulty: he is too trusting, too ready to accept what seems to be true:
There’s no art
To find the mind’s construction in the face:
He was a gentleman on whom I built
An absolute trust. (I, IV. 4–14) 27 p
Вот как обманчив внешний вид людей!
Ведь человеку этому я верил
Неограниченно. (I.IV.стр. 490)
Афсуски, биз одамларнинг ичидагини
Юзидаги жилвалардан ўқий оламиз.
Бўлмаса, мен шу вассалнинг садоқатига
Чин юракдан ишонардим. (С.А.) (I. II 22 б)
Duncan is, there fore, powerless when he has to face evil and he puts himself gently and meekly into the hands of hostess, without taking normal precautions of having an armed quard posted near where he is sleeping. The two attendants he has by him have, like him, enjoyed a good party, and are sleepy, and useless. The king goes to rest, well fed and happy in his hostess’s assertions of loyalty and friendship towards him. He is murdered in his sleep by Macbeth. Duncan has proved to be fatally easy ground for his followers to plant their ambitions in. It is Lady Macbeth who has in the end some sort of finer feelings about him: Here Lady Macbeth‘s thoughts: