Курсовая работа: The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies

Борьба мешает двигаться в воде.

Безжалостьный Макдональд, сочетавший

В себе все низости бунтовщика,

Набрал отряд ирландских копьеносцев

И поднял западные острова.

Судьба старалась поддержать повстанца,

Но ничего поделать не могла.

Храбрец Макбет (он назван так по праву)

Пробил себе отважно путь мечом,

Дымившимся кровавым воздаяньем,

И, став с изменником лицом к лицу,

Руки не жал, прощальных слов не тратил,

Но голову ему с размаху снес

И водрузил ее на частоком


Наш храбрый родич! Части образец!

(Вильям Шекспир. Трагедии. Сонеты. Перевод с английского. Издательство «Художественная литература». Москва. 1968. стр. 480–562).[1]

Macbeth himself dominates the drama: the play is his for it is, the story of his vise and fall. Before he first appears he is spoken of as brave and noble, and Duncan willingly honours him as a trusted lord; he calls him «valiant cousin» and «worthy gentleman». But his character, like the day he speaks of when we first see him, is «foul and fair» and his figure is truly tragic,for he is a man, not wholly bad, against whom the forces of evil are too strong, and their temptations too attractive:

He is ambitious, and the witches he suddenly comes upon when he first appears in the play are an image of the evil forces which encourage this ambition. He lusts for power and they prophesy he will be king. To Macbeth these prophecies can be neither good nor bad; for if bad; how could they so soon begin to come true? And if good, why do his thoughts so soon turn to the idea of murdering King Duncan and taking his place on the throne of Scotland? Throughout the play Macbeth continues to give serious thought to the moral aspects of his actions, and he is in no sense an unfeeling willain without conscience or sense of nobility. This is shown when he wants to talk over with Banquo the prophecy of the witches:

Think upon what hath chanced;

and at more time,

The interim having wighed it, let us speak

Our free hearts each to other.

(I.III. 153–155)


Сен бу ерда ўтганларни пухта ўйлаб кўр.

Икковлашиб, ҳушимихз сал жойига тушгач,

Ҳаммасини келишамиз очиқчасига. (I.III. 21 бет)

It is felt in many other places, leading him to an expression of the condition of damnation: thinking of the consequences of his crimes he says, he will not worry about, what might happen, to him, in the next world so long as he is granted peace of mind in this:

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