Курсовая работа: The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies
Когда у жертвы череп разможен,
Кончался человек, и все кончалось.
Теперь, имея даже двадцать ран
На голове, они встают из гроба,
Чтобы согнать нас с места за столом
Что пострашней, чем ужасы убийства. (стр. 524)
Аммо шуки, бош суягин пачоғи чиққач,
Ўлик қайтиб тирилмаган, ўликдай ётган.
Энди бошда йигирмата жароҳат билан
Гўрдан чиқиб, тирик жонга таҳдид солмоқда. (79 б)
There is something here both grimly humorous and affecting, this Killer’s speaking in the accents of a hurt child. We should not ascribe Macbeth’s humanity to the automatic working of Shakespeare’s sympathetic nature. There is nothing casual about it. If Macbeth were other than he is, less like ourselves, he would be a less powerful symbol of our own worst potentialities and the abyss we have escaped. There is nothing of him in Edmund or lago for all of Shakespeare’s sympathetic nature.
if is hard to believe that so universal a work was calculated to the meridian of any particular person, but there are orgunuents favoring the possibility. James Stuar