Курсовая работа: The problems of oral translation
E – unemployment
D/B – budget deficit
Usage of contracted words:
pro – professional
demo – demonstration
info – information
Letter precision information such as proper names and geographical names is written only by means of consonants. Numeral precision information like days of a week and months is written by numbers.
e.g. – Friday, 11 – November
dates: current decade – 2008 = ‘8
current century – 1995 = .95
current millennium – 1812 = .812
numbers from 1100 to 10000 is to be written by hundreds
e.g. 17H = 1700
17t = 17 thousand
17m = 17 million
17b = 17 billion
17tr = 17 trillion
Marking of semantic ties between the symbols is the most important and rather difficult point. Especially when the interpreter is voicing his notation. Speaking is marked with : after the subject group; emphasis is marked with :! (claimed, referred, accused, offered). The symbol (:) means press-conference, press-release, statement.
approval – OK
disapproval – OK
plural – sign of square; e.g. MP2 = Members of Parliament
m2 = millions
repeat = R with an arrow with the place which is repeated
> - more, < - less
↑ - growth, rise; increase; improvement; future
↓ - decrease, fall, degradation; past
∆ - state, country
lines: → departure; E - export; address to
← arrival; I - import