Курсовая работа: The problems of oral translation
8) We characterized the types of oral translation;
9) We defined the problems of oral translation;
10) We found various ways and translating devices for solving those problems.
As a kind of practical activities translation is a set of actions performed by the translator while rendering ST into another language. These actions are largely intuitive and the best results are naturally achieved by translators who are best suited for the job, who are well-trained or have a special aptitude, a talent for it. Masterpieces in translation are created by the past masters of the art, true artists in their profession. At its best translation is an art, a creation of a talented, high-skilled professional.
As we have known, there two types of translation: written and oral. As the names suggest, in written translation the source text is in written form, as is the target text. In oral translation or interpretation the interpreter listens to the oral presentation of the original and translates it as an oral message in TL. As a result, in the first case the Receptor of the translation can read it while in the second case he hears it.
Oral translation falls into consecutive and simultaneous. In consecutive translation the translating starts after the original speech or some part of it has been completed. In simultaneous interpretation the interpreter is supposed to be able to give his translation while the speaker is uttering the original message.
In simultaneous interpretation the translator is expected to keep pace with the fastest speakers, to understand all kinds of foreign accents and defective pronunciation, to guess what the speaker meant to say but failed to express due to his inadequate proficiency in the language he speaks.
In consecutive interpretation he is expected to listen to long speeches, taking the necessary notes, and then to produce his translation in full or compressed form, giving all the details or only the main ideas.
Sometimes the interpreter is set a time limit to give his rendering, which means that he will have to reduce his translation considerably, selecting and reproducing the most important parts of the original and dispensing with the rest. This implies the ability to make a judgement on the relative value of various messages and to generalize or compress the received information. The interpreter must obviously be a good and quickwitted thinker./14/
Appendices to the course paper
“Problems of oral translation”
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Source text | Written translation | Simultaneous translation |
Mr. President! Our gratitude and appreciation are due to the retiring President, Mr. Fanfani, for his notable contribution to the work of the preceding session. | Г-н председатель! Уходящий в отставку председатель, г-н Фанфани, заслуживает нашей благодарности и высокой оценки за тот значительный вклад, который он внес в работу предыдущей сессии Ассамблеи. | Г-н председатель! Мы глубоко признательны бывшему председателю, г-ну Фанфани, за значительный вклад в работу прошлой сессии. |
In congratulating you, Sir, on your elevation to the Presidency of this Assembly, the New Zealand delegation pledges its cooperation with you in your demanding duty of attempting to channel in a positive direction the authority which the Assembly possesses. | Поздравляя Вас, г-н председатель, по поводу Вашего избрания на пост председателя настоящей сессии Ассамблеи, делегация Новой Зеландии обещает Вам сотрудничать с Вами при выполнении Вами ответственной задачи, которая заключается в том, чтобы попытаться направить работу Генеральной Ассамблеи в русло позитивных решений. | Поздравляя Вас с избранием на пост председателя Ассамблеи, делегация Новой Зеландии обещает сотрудничать с Вами в выполнении Вашей задачи - направить в нужное русло авторитет Ассамблеи. |
At a time when the problems of Asia are of such primary concern, it is altogether appropriate, as many have remarked before, that it should be the distinguished son of Asia who presides over our deliberations. | В период, когда проблемы Азии вызывают такую глубокую тревогу, вполне законно, как отмечали многие ораторы, выступавшие до меня, что нашей работой руководит уважаемый сын Азии. | Сейчас, когда проблемы Азии вызывают столь большую тревогу, законно, как уже отмечали многие ораторы, что нашей работой руководит выдающийся сын Азии. |
184 syllables | 256 syllables | 168 syllables |