Курсовая работа: The problems of oral translation

possibility: m – may; m? – might

c – can; c? – could

doubt: ? or ?!

necessity: d (must, to be to, should) – from debere (lat.)

Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives: signs of square and cube

e.g. big2 – bigger, big3 – the biggest

“Speaking” symbols:

○ – congress, meeting

X – war, conflict

This approach shouldn’t be accepted as a third language. It should be created by imagination of an interpreter. /28/


During the translation the simultaneous interpreter chooses equivalents on basis of:

- common linguistic knowledge;

- microcontext;

- common background information;

- special information.

Here is the example of choosing the equivalents in translating the fragment of the report “Patents and other industrial property titles and their licensing.”

“When technology is to be used in cooperation with a third party, whether in the form of a license, as it is the main aspect of this paper, or by merger or by taking capital investment of a third party into the company owning the technology, it is of tremendous importance to determine the value of patents and other intangible assets, in the following designated as intellec­tual property rights (IPR), belonging to the respective entity”.

Simultaneous translation of the fragment:

“Когда технология применяется совместно с третьей стороной, либо в форме лицензии, как в этом докладе, ли­бо путем слияния или же вложения капитала третьей сто­роны в фирму, владеющую технологией, чрезвычайно важно определить стоимость патентов и прочих нематери­альных активов, что в дальнейшем мы будем называть Правами на интеллектуальную собственность, принадле­жащими данному субъекту”.

At first we should note that the interpreter didn’t choose the equivalents during the translation as he had chosen and remembered them earlier. These terms are “merger” – “слияние”, “intangible assets” – “нематериальныеактивы”, “entity” – “субъект (права)”.

At the same time there was a different interpretation and exchanging of some usual equivalents with those which do structurally and stylistically. They are “capital investment” – “инвестиция” was exchanged for “вложение капитала”, “in cooperation” – “всотрудничестве” was exchanged for “совместно”./18/

There are main devices which were formed during the long development of oral translation and they are used in the work of simultaneous interpreter. They are speech compression, omission and addition of the material. During the oral translation from Russian into English the compression is required when there are repetitions, words of little importance or when the speaker is too fast. In order not to be behind the speaker and not to miss important segments of his speech the interpreter has to choose between lexical and syntactical equivalents which must be compressed. e.g. “Намеждународном, национальномиместномуровнях” can be translated as “on all levels” or “on several levels”.

The ability to abridge and to condense oral speech is one of the most important abilities in the art of simultaneous translation. But, in order not to misrepresent the speaker’s idea using short words or omitting unnecessary words he is forced to decide each time what is superfluous and should be omitted.

e.g. “Госсекретарь предложил созвать конференцию”

“The secretary of state proposed a conference”

“Просмотрсостоится 22 сентября”

“The showing is on September 22”

“Это было опубликовано в газете Нью-Йорк Таймс”

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