Курсовая работа: The problems of oral translation

Though during the translation from Russian into English the text is usually becomes shorter sometimes there are the opposite cases. It happens when the rules of English grammar and the structure of the language require addition of the article or when the complex type of tense is used. e.g. “We shall have been doing this”

The time is spending on the translation increases if the interpreter has to define more precisely or explain Russian realias.

e.g. “Днем они пошли с друзьями в ЗАГС, а вечером свадьбу справили в ресторане «Арбат»”

“In the afternoon they went to sign the marriage registry, and in the evening they had a reception in the Arbat”

Metonymy and synecdoche, as the devices of simultaneous translation, are used for the specification of common idea and the generalization of typical or concrete occurrence. When there is no exact equivalent for a definite Russian notion or when the interpreter just didn’t here some word he is often saved from failure by the substitution of the general occurrence by the concrete one and vice versa.

e.g. “зелень” (Нужно добавить зелень в суп) – “parsley andotherherbs”

If the interpreter suddenly forgets the word or the idiom he can use some other synonym even less exact.

e.g. “семьпядейволбу” – (as wise as Solomon) – “He paid him a compliment”

Antonymous inversion is another very useful device which helps to avoid a word-for-word translation when it is necessary. The possibilities of antonymous usage are very wide but they are not boundless. Context always plays a decisive role especially by the inversion of idiomatic expression.

e.g. “не иметь себе равных” – “to be second to none”

“не придавать значения” – “tooverlook”


“И в промышленной, и в военном отношении, эти планы нашей страны…”

“Militarily and industrially, our country’s plans…”

“Их было больше”



“Они завоевали эту территорию”

“This territory fell to them”

The search of semantic equivalents and avoidance of a word-for-word translation are two the most important way of translation into idiomatic English.

e.g. “глубоко убеждены” – “firmly convinced”

“идтиккому-тонавстречу” – “to accommodate someone”

“случайные люди в политике” – “outsidersinpolitics”

“белые пятна (в наших знаниях)” – “gaps”

What ever effective the devices of translation would be they don’t release the interpreter from the necessity to solve chief problem which consists in escaping over-literal rendering during the translation. They are highly dangerous to apply to specific notions and unique realias of Russian culture as they are lack of equivalents in English. The interpreter shouldn’t be limited by linguistics only in order to find better equivalents for such notions. He must study different spheres of human life in the country of the source language: its history, literature, psychology, etc. Only in this way there appears a possibility for the truth expert to fulfill the most difficult task – to interpret not just from one language into another language but from one culture into another./10/


Oral translation plays very important part in the world. Russian and foreign businessmen, scientists and politicians work side by side at different countries and therefore they need translation during commercial talks, signing of contracts and everyday communication.

During studying this work we tried to find out the problems of oral translation and the way these problems may be solved. We have done it by finding salvation to the following tasks:

6) We gave the definition to the notion “translation”;

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