Топик: Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету: Искусство речи на английском языке. Американский английский
361.Name the countries where American English is spoken.
362.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
cannot, plant, grass, address.
Write transcriptions.
363.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
cart, discord, record, short.
Write transcriptions.
364.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
arm, corn, brother, order.
Write transcriptions.
365.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
alarm, mother, cord, mark.
Write transcriptions.
366.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
important, morning, sister, march.
Write transcriptions.
367.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
import, morn, bar, bard.
Write transcriptions.
368.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
export, card, moveble, pork.
Write transcriptions.
369.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
March, choir, back, father.
Write transcriptions.
370.Describe the differences of pronunciation in British and American English:
chalk, talk, tarantula, schedule.
Write transcriptions.
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 1
371.Complete the definition: A loud ringing sound is called ...
372.Identify the time indicator: They didn’t meet often after their sister’s death.
373.What way of ending a dispute do the following means correspond to?
374.Assess the type of argumentation.
The weather forecast announced that it will be slippery tomorrow. I think will go by subway, instead of driving.
375.Answer the question:
What are the 2 ways to introduce structure redundancy in a text?
376.Translate into English: прямой порядок слов
377.Translate the sentences from British English to American English:
a) After I leave school, I want to go to university.
b) Excuse me, where is the university, please?
378.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Вчера папа привез нам на дачу новую электроплиту.
379.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order: ...give it to me.
380.Explain how questions are asked using the Caribbean dialect of the English language.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 2
1.Put the words in the correct order:
Used aircraft is the aluminum of manufacture in.
2.Identify the time indicator: He left the town after he had finished the school.
3.Finish the statement:
Information which is not expressed in the message is called __________.
4.Translate into English: ложная аргументация
5.Complete the sentence: Long examples are called ...
6.Translate into English: сноски
7.Give the equivalent to one centimeter in inches.
8.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мне очень нравится сельдь, приготовленная с майонезом.
9.Define Maori.