Топик: Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету: Искусство речи на английском языке. Американский английский
11.Complete the definition:
The political system which aims at public ownership of the means of production is called ....
12.Identify the time indicator: When he rang her up, she was out.
13.Which of the aspects do the following questions correspond to?
Does the sender make the desired impression on the recipient?
14.Find the signals of multiple argumentation in the following sentences:
This textbook is not good for the course I teach. It is outdated. Another reason is - that it is designed for more advanced level.
15.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: in brief -
16.Translate into English: сравнение
17.It is -13˚C in Moscow. How warm is it in Fahrenheit?
18.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мама пошла в аптеку за лекарством, которое тебе просто необходимо.
19.Describe the subdialect of the Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States.
20.Name the area in North America where the speech rapidity is the slowest.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 4
21.Choose a correct word which corresponds to the definition. List of words:
clamp, clang, bacon, badger, chair.
A separate movable seat for one person, usually with a back and in some cases with arms.
22.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: It costs a lot of money to buy a new car. Similarly, it is quite expensive to fix a used one.
23.Finish the statement:
The phrases which refer to shorter pieces of text, or sentences are ________
24.Translate into English: тип аргументации
25.Complete the sentence:
The literal citation of a part of another publication is called ....
26.Give an English equivalent: en bloc -
27.Translate the sentence into American English:
Она сказала, что познакомилась с ним в прошлом году.
28.Describe the difference in men’s shoe sizes in England and in the United States.
29.List the languages that influence the Scottish dialect.
30.Define ‘Tex-Mex’.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 5
31.Put the words in the correct order:
Who bores you what know tell are you already people.
32.Translate into English: прежде всего
33.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
Considering the fact that smoking causes lung cancer, it is advisable that we should restrict it in public places.
34.Translate into English: правдоподобный
35.Complete the sentence: A (very) complete report contains the following parts: ...
36.Translate into English: цель
37.Give both the American and British spellings of the following Russian words:
фаворитизм; благоволить; эпицентр; иметь привкус; запах (аромат).
38.Give the British equivalent to the American phrase: Let’s get back to the subject.
39.Define the Scottish vowel-length rule.