Топик: Экзаменационные билеты за 1 семестр 2001 года по предмету: Искусство речи на английском языке. Американский английский
71.Define the term: comparison -
72.Identify the markers of comparison/ contrast in the following sentences: These two games are quite alike.
73.Try to carry out a for / so test in the sentences:
I am very much interested in the subject. I will read the article.
74.Define the type of argumentation (multiple, simple, subordinate) in the following sentences where possible:
It is better to buy branded clothes than an obscure brand. You get value for money, for branded clothes keep their shape much longer.
75.Answer the question:
What is the classification based on time principle especially useful for?
76.Provide an official term with the following meaning: right -
77.It is 15F. How much is it in Celcius?
78.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Я считаю, что Женя, родившаяся в рубашке, не может избежать неприятностей.
79.Describe the rule in pronunciation (transcription) for the consonant clusters «st, sn, sl» in the Irish dialect of the English dialect. Give at least two examples of each (6 words) consonant cluster and show their Irish pronunciation.
80.Explain why a verb may be brought to the front of a sentence in the Western African dialect of the English language.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 10
81.Paraphrase the following sentences choosing one of the given expressions of place.
Expressions: between of, among, opposite, round, in front of
Before us there is a parking lot.
82.Identify the agent: A Russian biologist was approached recently by American intelligence agents, asking him to reveal some points of his research.
83.Find the opinion in the following sentences:
Cheap cars are not reliable. My Ford Scorpio breaks down every 1000 miles. You should buy a Lexus, I tell you.
84.Find the signals of argument(s) where possible:
Jane will probably drop out of the course, because he hasn't done a thing.
85.Give a plain English equivalent: persons-
86.Translate into English: библиография
87.Give the equivalent to one pint in quarts.
88.Explain how men’s shoes and socks are measured in the United States.
89.Describe Australian English.
90.Explain why and which dialects use multiple negation in sentence structure.
Зав. кафедрой
Экзаменационный билет по предмету
Билет № 11
91.Complete the definition:
A sharp blade with a handle, used as a cutting instrument or as a weapon is called ...
92.Identify the time indicator: When she was a child she dreamed to go to Italy.
93.Find the signals of arguments in the following sentence:
Marlboro Lights is a well established proven brand. The percentage of tar and nicotine is really low. That's why I prefer it to other brands available.
94.Translate into Russian: It follows that
95.Complete the sentence: Never present new information in your ...
96.Translate into English: основная часть
97.It is 3˚C. How much is it in Fahrenheit?
98.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мне нужно мыло. Зачем? Ты хочешь умыться или помыть посуду? Мне нужен кусок мыла, чтобы вымыть руки.
99.Show the equivalent of the subordinate clause markers ‘when ’, ‘while ’, and ‘if ’ in the Irish dialect of the English language.